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"Rob, hurry the fuck up! I can't be late!" I shouted as he drove slowly down the road. Jessica sat in the back seat with head phone's in. I cannot be late for the first day, I've already planned on throwing a party back at my flat.

"Im going as fast as I can Kylie." Rob spoke with annoyance in his voice. He's really pushing it already.

"Pull over, now. I'm driving." With that he pulled over, switching seats with me. Once he got back in I sped down the road in my black Range Rover, with music blasting. Rob held tightly onto the seat belt with his eyes wide. He hates when I drive with him in the car, I find it quite funny. But that's not the point of today and tonight, today I need to get through the day. A normal day. Tonight will be wild, a huge party everyone drinking, dancing and more. It'll be fantastic!

Finally about ten minutes later I pulled onto campus, trying to find a place to park is freaking insane. Looking back at jessica she looks as if she wants to throw herself out of the vehicle,  she hates school. I don't really blame her either. Finally parking I stepped out, college students everywhere, mainly hot college boys. Jessica walked off to get to her first lesson, mine doesn't start for about thirty more minutes.

"Here's your bag. Have a good day, I'll be back by your lunch." Rob said, forcing a small smile on his lips. Before I could answer him my eyes locked on my other best mate, he stood with a small group that I think may be his mates. I walked up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. He jumped a little as he felt my arms.

"Guess who?" I asked.

"Hmm, may it be my best friend Kylie? Blonde hair, short, and I mean really short." He chuckled and some of the guys joined in, I unwrapped my arms from him a swatted his arm, sending him a playful glare. "Awh love don't be upset, I'm just joking. Yeah?"

"Sure you are Niall. Anyways, are you coming to my party tonight?" I asked giving him puppy eyes. They always work on him, he looked around at his mates they all looked confused with the looks he gave them. "Its fine if you can't I ca-" I spoke before getting cut off rudely

"We'll be there." One of the guys spoke, his hair is long and curly brown, he has light green eyes, pink lips, dimples and many tattoos. I couldn't stop looking, he must have saw me starring because his lips smirked, and winked at me.

"Who are you?" Asking as I shook my thoughts away.

"You don't know me?" The curly haired boy asked. I shook my head earning a laugh from Niall. Before I could listen to him speak my phone went off about four times.

Jessica: Save me now..
Jessica: I can't keep acting nice.
Jessica: Fuck it I'm leaving.
Jessica: Wait hot guy... Never mind come save me.

"Well guys it's been fun, but I got to go save my mate from class. I'll see you guys at the party, yeah?" I said before I started walking off, my blue jeans hugged my lower half tightly but In a good way, they made my bum show off. I wore a loose blouse with a pair of black high heels. My hair loosely curled and make up natural.

After dropping my car keys off with jessica I made my way over to my first lesson. I've been hit on at least seven times already since I've been here. I must be a couple minutes early the class is barely here yet, taking a seat on the front row I grabbed my notebook out and a pen to write down my assignments. Two minutes later the bell rung and the class room soon filled with chatty students. One person sat to the left of me but I didn't care to pay attention, I kept writing everything on the board down. Suddenly vibration from my back pocket made me jump almost out of my seat, making me drop my pen. Reaching for it my hand came in contact with another, looking up my eyes looked into a familiar pair of emerald green eyes.

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