"Aw," Claire turned Shiloh's face to hers and kissed him but their kiss was cut off by my flinging a pillow into their faces. "Alex!"

"Don't make out in my room... or anywhere."

"Yeah, it's weird." Jordan grimaced and Claire and Shiloh laughed as he hugged her, "Can we get breakfast now? I'm starving; my head still hurts too much to cook."

"Yeah." Claire agreed.

"Okay." I grabbed my sunglasses and my friends laughed.


Later in the afternoon, we all hung out at our house for a while before Shiloh and Claire left for a date leaving Jordan and I playing Grand Theft Auto. It was about two when the doorbell rang and Jordan shoved me so he could get by even though he could just have walked around the couch. He was just mad I had shot him in the head a few times.

"Ha." Jordan gave a half-laugh in disbelief once he had opened the door before he tried to shove it closed again but a foot stopped it from shutting. "Damn it, I should have swung it and broke his foot." I chuckled as he said that looking at me. I jumped to my feet and headed over to see who Jordan was so annoyed by as he asked, "How the hell did you know we live here?"

"He lied to Sebastian. What are you doing here, James?" I asked.

James' light brown hair was brushed back neatly leaving nothing hanging over his forehead or his blue eyes. His clothing was casual formal; his style had not changed much. He owed the way he dressed to his father, I don't think I have ever seen that man in anything but a suit. James was good pretty good looking, I would not admit that I thought that to anyone, least of all him.

His presence gave me mixed emotions. I was annoyed and still a little hurt at the same time, and I wanted to punch him in his face. I smirked. According to Sergio I could pack a punch, I should ask Ben if it's true just to annoy him. I loved messing with Ben, he got annoyed so fast. Sergio probably wouldn't appreciate that. Damn it, I missed him so much. James' speaking snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Before you try to swear at me or shut the door in my face again –" James lifted a bag to Jordan. Jordan took it frowning.

"You're not going to gain sometime alone by bribing m – whoa. I'll leave you alone." I rolled my eyes as Jordan left making his way upstairs. He'll sell me out for paint brushes. That's Jordan for you.

I shook my head.

"Alright, goodbye." I tried to shut the door but James' foot had not moved, he must have guessed I would shut the door. I pulled it back but he lifted his hands to the door seemingly realising my intentions.

"Just hear me out." he said.

"James." I frowned.

"I'm not here to try to convince you to get back with me, I've tried that. I get it now, Alex. You've moved on. You're with him – Sergio – and I finally accepted that... I respect it. You're happy and that's the most I can hope for... but... I want us to be friends." he said before adding, "Please?" as he held his hand out to me.

"Friends?" I sighed.

"Alexander, you say you've forgiven me... I cannot forgive myself unless you prove it. I know you don't have to, I know I don't deserve it but it eats at me... I can't move passed it..."

I bit my lip before I smiled as I reached out and took his hand to shake it.

"Sure." I chuckled as he pulled me into a hug and I patted his back a little awkwardly.

"So, I'm guessing you have to tell Sergio before we can grab an early dinner?" he asked.

"Uh..." Dinner with him just seemed so awkward in my mind.

The Lord's Favourite Dealer (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now