Chapter Thirty Two

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I held Peter's hand. It felt strong yet fragile. He was starting to get his color back. I looked down at myself as I wanted him to open his eyes and speak. I saw my forearms wrapped up. I felt my hand being squeezed lightly. I looked up to see Peter open his eyes. I could feel my eyes light up with happiness. Peter looked at me. "Cassie," Peter said in a half, cracky voice.
"I'm here," I tell him as I stood up from my chair to lean over the bed.
Peter smiled weakly. His smile soon disappeared. "Whats happening...with Eric?" Peter asked.
"Eric's dead. Jesse and I went after him."
Peter slowly and carefully sat up. "Are you alright?"
"I'll be alright," I answered not going I to detail to worry his flimsy, kind heart. "Lay down," I told him, "it's not good for you to be moving as much as you—"
Peter silenced me with a kiss. Peter pulled back and placed his forehead against mine. Peter laid back down and patted the space next to him. I slowly laid down next to him. I closed my eyes. It felt so good to be next to Peter, felt good to be safe and not have to worry. It was finally over and I can now live my life peacefully.

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