Chapter Eighteen

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I opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital room in a uncomfortable, blue, hospital gown. I sat up slowly as I saw Peter taking to Jesse outside of the room. I couldn't make out what they were discussing. Jesse looked into my room and found me awake. He said something to Peter and Peter turned around. He saw me and smiled. They walked in the room and Jesse asked, "How are you feeling?"
"I'm alright," I answered.
"Peter, I'm sorry, Mr. Matthews," Jesse corrected himself, "explained to me what happened, but he couldn't tell me for sure who did this to you. We both agree it might have been your father, is it true?"
I nodded, "Yes."
My phone mooed on the nightstand beside the hospital bed. "You can get that if you want," Jesse told me.
I grabbed my phone from the small, wooden table as Jesse asked Peter and I if we wanted something from the cafe. Keep your mouth closed or this is what going to happen to you, Xoxo, I read as I looked at the photo the super stalker sent me.
My eyes widened as I saw Mrs. May's body, covered in blood. Her stomach was slashed open. I covered my mouth as I looked away. "What's the matter?" Peter asked.
I shook my head as I held the phone close to my chest. I felt as if I was going to be sick. "Is it your Dad?" Peter asked a second question.
I lied with a nod. My eyes widened as I realized something from the picture. I told Peter I would be back as I got up from my bed with my phone in my hand and walked to the bathroom. Closing the bathroom door, I unlocked my phone and studied the picture. I looked at Mrs. May's belly. I zoomed in and noticed something peculiar. Where is the baby?
I swung the bathroom door open to see Jesse with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Is the baby missing?" I asked Jesse.
Jesse's eyes widened, "How do you know?"
"Is the baby missing?" I repeated myself.
"Yes," Jesse answered. "How do you know?"
"I didn't. I was replaying everything in my head and you didn't mention the baby. Was there a note?"
Jesse frowned and reached into his pocket. He held the note that was in a small evidence bag. Your baby is in good hands Mr. May. I promise, Xoxo, I read as I heard Jesse say, "I doubt my daughter is alive, but I have to see for myself."
"I'm sorry," I sympathized.
Jesse nodded and put it back into his pocket. "Mr. Matthews has agreed to have you live with him for you to go back and forth to school," Jesse told me.
"That being said, you may call me Peter for when we are out of school," Peter smiled.
"Yes Mr. Matt—Peter," I say trying to have a weird sound to my voice while I crawled into the hospital bed.
The hospital gave me medicine before leaving to return to Peter's house. I looked around the house to see blood all over the floor. "I'll help you clean," I told Peter.
Peter shook his head with a smile, "Your job is to relax on the couch or up in my bed while I clean up."
"Are you s—"
"Choose quickly or I will duck tape you to one of them," Peter told me with a playful, sly smile.
"Alright, alright, I'm going," I say walking up the stairs to go into Peter's room while being followed by Rocky.
"Keep a close eye on her," Peter ordered Rocky.
I laid down in Peter's bed while watching boring television shows with Rocky sleeping up against my legs. Peter entered the room as he was in sweatpants and drying his wet hair with a towel. I blushed to see he wasn't wearing a shirt as he opened a drawer. "What's that scar from?"
"Lung cancer," Peter answered.
My eyes widened, "You're alright now, right?"
Peter turned around and went up to me, "Right," Peter answered. "I'm going to live a long happy life."
I smiled relieved. "You better or I'm going to duck tape you to this bed."
Peter laughed and held my hand, "Its a deal."
"Peter can you lay with me?"
Peter smiled and slid underneath the covers. I placed my head on Peter's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. "Did I frighten you?"
"Shocked me really," I corrected him. "I'm glad you're alright now."
Peter kissed the top of my head, "Me too."
Opening my eyes, I saw a clock tell me in small, red numbers that it was 2:47am. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room to see Peter sleeping peacefully. I brushed his hair out of his eyes as I began to think. If Cassie is alive, then I should be the one to get her back...somehow. Its my fault everyone who matched my description, no matter how much I changed my hair color, is dead. I looked up at the ceiling, I need to fix this.
I silently got up and went downstairs. I grabbed clothes and went to take a brisk shower. I placed all the screen shots of the text messages the masked man sent me as the first thing anybody sees when they unlock my phone. I put my phone down on the table and began to right a note for Peter that explains how I need to make things right. I signed it with the four digits used to unlock my phone. I wrote a second quick note for Peter telling him I love him. I zipped up my jacket as I took one last look around my new home before leaving.
I walked until I was standing in the middle of the park. I looked around my surroundings, terrified at what I may come for. I took a deep breath as the cold, winter's night touched my face. "Let's make a deal!" I shouted, knowing the masked man had to be somewhere close by. I heard a twig snap behind me. I jumped as I turned around to see the white, creepy mask appear through the dark. "Give Jesse his daughter back and I'll go with you without a fight."
The masked man took a step forward. He held out his hand. I felt a pinch in the middle of my chest. I looked down to see a purple dart sticking out of my chest as my vision blurred while I fell down onto my knees and passed out on the grass.

Oh man, oh man, oh man! What had Cassie gotten herself into?
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