Chapter Twelve

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I woke up to a news reporter say, "Happy Turkey Day!"
I sat up to find Rocky on my lower legs fast asleep. I smiled and slowly placed my feet on the floor being careful not to wake him up. While walking to the bathroom, I heard nails hitting the door behind. "Sorry Rocky, a girl has to things alone," I told Rocky with a smile whole shutting the bathroom door.
Opening the door, I saw Rocky laying in front of the door. I stepped over Rocky and slipped my shoes on while reaching for Rocky's leash to bring Rocky out for his morning business.
After taking a shower and put on fresh, clean clothes, I looked over to Rocky who laid down on the couch. I walked over and folded the blanket I borrowed from Peter's room. "Would you like to go to the cemetery with me?" I asked Rocky.
I think 'go' was the only thing that made Rocky's tail wag. I put my shoes and jacket on.
Rocky and I reached the bronze plot in the far right corner next to a while statue of an angel where my mother was resting peacefully in her cold coffin. "Happy Thanksgiving mom," I softly spoke. Rocky sat down and looked up at me. "This was my mother's favorite holiday. The big turkey she would cook came out fantastic. The smell would just make your mouth water."
Rocky smiled and scooted closer to my leg. He licked my pant leg. I wiped my eyes, "These are happy tears," I assured Rocky, "my mom is now safe from a horrible horrible man."
I looked around for the cold, winter wind to blow my hair to the side and make my tears feel like icicles. I saw other families visiting their deceased loved ones. I looked back at my mom's plack, "Bye mom, I love you."
Walking onto the cemetery's curvy road, my eyes spotted Eric. He smiled and came up to me. "I didn't know you got a dog," he said to me trying to pet Rocky's head.
Rocky snapped at his hand, nearly biting it as a low, growl came from him.
"Rocky! Be nice," I lightly shouted while hearing a moo coming from my back pocket and explained to Eric, "I'm just watching him for someone."
Rocky looked at me and stood behind my feet. "I'm guessing your visiting your mom? This December will make four years right?"
I nodded as I petted Rocky's head to calm him down, "Sadly, but she is in a better place."
Eric smiled with sorrow. He took a step closer and touched my hand gently. "Cassie," Eric called my name.
I knew Eric was going to apologies for his actions while we were dating. I smiled, "I know. It's OK."
Eric held my hand in his. Eric was, what I thought, my first love. He tilted his head as he took a step closer. I couldn't help but stand still. Eric wasn't anywhere close to the man I loved. He wasn't Peter.
Rocky barked viciously at Eric while getting in the middle of us. Rocky pulled me in the direction of the cemetery's exit. "I'll guess I'll see you around!" Eric kindly yelled as I was half way down the road.
At the gates of the cemetery, I looked at Rocky. "What got into you?" I asked him while gently scratching behind Rocky's ear.
I remembered my phone going off. I pulled my phone out and looked at the message. Dogs can sense bad people, Xoxo, I read.
I looked in back of me, not knowing how to react as my mind drew up a blank.
Cutting through the park to head back to Peter's house, I spotted Jesse sitting at a park bench defeated as he held his cup of coffee. I walked up to him. "Why the long face? Mrs. May giving you a hard time with not having enough chocolate covered pretzels?" I ask as Mrs. May had loved them, a lot more now that she is with child.
"Quiet the opposite," Jesse said with a pained smile. "Cathy is missing."
My heart fell out of my chest. "What do you mean she's missing?"
Jesse looked at me with red eyes from crying, "After I picked up Cathy's bag from the school, I went home and found the door wide open. Glass all over the place and Cathy no where to be found. I tried calling her, every hospital, every morgue and I came up with nothing."
My legs felt weak. I sat down beside Jesse and held the top of Rocky's leash tightly in my hands. "What do we do?"
Jesse shook his head as he looked at Rocky who let Jesse pet him. "Usually when someone goes missing and hasn't been home in four to five days, we think of the worse," he said putting his coffee down before putting his face in his hand, "Oh my wife and baby."
My eyes teared up as I rubbed Jesse's back. "As hard as it is, we can't think that way," I told Jesse as my voice was shaky.
Jesse looked at me and saw that my cheeks were getting red from the tears that wanted to fall. "You're right. Cathy is a small Italian woman with a bad attitude."
I smiled as a tear came out of my eye, "And we both know Cassie is just going to be like her mom."
Jesse wiped my tear away from me and stood up. "Thank you Cassie. Do you need a ride anywhere?"
"I'm all set thank you. I will call you if I hear anything."
Jesse nodded and walked to his car.
I sat on the couch with Rocky. I cuddled with my eyes glued to the television as the news was on. "Rocky this is all my fault. I should have been more cautious when I dyed my hair a different color."
Rocky looked up at me and licked my chin. I smiled and rubbed his back, "You're such a good boy."

I wish I had a dog like Rocky. What could of happened to Mrs. May?
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