Chapter Thirty

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The doctors finally allowed me to see Peter a little after eleven o'clock. I looked at his chest and saw bandages. I frowned. Peter was so pale. I pulled a chair close to Peter's bed and held his hand. It felt infirm and light. My eyes teared up as I moved his hair away from his eyes. I rested my forehead against his side, resting my cheek on his hand. "I'm so sorry," I whispered to him.
It pained me to see him in pain and unresponsive as he slept soundlessly. I heard the door open. I sat up in my chair and saw a woman standing there. "How is he?" The woman asked while walking further into the room.
I wiped my tears away and answered, "He is doing alright, I think anyway."
"Alright is good," The woman answered with a sad smiled.
I looked at Peter for a moment and then back up at the woman. "Are you his mother?"
The woman nodded, "I'm Diane, you must be Cassie. Peter has told me many things about you."
"I'm guessing you know about us then?"
Diane nodded slightly. "I wasn't fond of when he told me your age at first but then every time he called he seemed truly happy and as long as my boy was happy, I couldn't care less how old you are," Diane said walking up to Peter and took hand i wasn't holding. "When Peter called me to tell me that you were missing and told me keep my eye out, he was so upset. Peter had never cried that much before. He loves you."
"I love your son. I feel culpable for what's happened to him, that I can't do anything to help him."
I felt a hand go on my shoulder. Diane made me look at her gently and hugged me. "Its not your fault," Diane told me.
I fought my tears back as I held onto Diane.
The door opened. Diane and I looked over as I wiped my eyes to see Jesse. I introduced Diane and Jesse to one another. "Have you found Eric yet?" I asked him.
Jesse looked at me and shook his head. "Its hard to find people who don't want to be found," Jesse told me sitting down in defeat.
"Not if there is bait."
Jesse shook his head, "Cassie n—"
"I can't just sit here and let Eric wonder the streets," I cut Jesse off. "I have to do something."
Jesse rubbed his face. "I know, but after every—"
"Please?" I ask. "If it's to get Eric off of the streets, I'll do anything."
Jesse looked at Peter laying helplessly in his bed for a second and then looked back at me, "It seems like Eric is trying to leave town. We aren't sure where he could be hiding out."
I thought long and hard about where Eric could be. His therapist. "Have you contacted with Eric's therapist?"
Jesse nodded. "He said he hasn't seen Eric since he was exposed."
"I'm willing to bet his therapist had some of contact with him since, probably as we speak."
Jesse stood up, "I'll check one more time. What if it doesn't work?"
"Then we go to the park," I answered.
Jesse nodded and walked out of the room. Diane looked at me. "The park?" Diane echoed confused.
"It where I gave myself to Eric in exchange for him to stop killing," I answered.
A doctor kicked Diane and me out of Peter's room as visiting hours were over. After getting out of the shower and put fresh, clean clothes on my body, I heard knocks on the door frame. I looked over to see Jesse. "What did you find?" I asked.
"Eric's therapist was providing shelter for him and he has no idea where he is heading now."
"I guess we go to the park," I tell Jesse.
Jesse came up to me and he took his gun out. "Here," Jesse said, "if he gets close to you shoot him."
I nodded and took the gun slowly from Jesse's hand.

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