Chapter Ninteen

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I heard what sounded like a baby crying. I opened my eyes to see a small newborn baby in front of me clothed, healthy and wrapped up in blankets as she laid in a bassinet. "Cassie," I called the baby's name as I slowly picked her up and cradled her. I looked around the room to see I was laying on a perfectly comfortable, small, blue couch, a coffee table in front of me with magazines stacked neatly in the corner. A small TV was on a stand with movies put away neatly. Off to the right of me was a kitchen. I stood up with Cassie in my arms as I heard jingling. My eyes widened as I looked down. A locked cuff was wrapped around my right ankle. I walked into the spotless kitchen. Cassie began to cry as I was in front of the refrigerator. I opened the door to see the fridge full of food. She's hungry, I observed as I took a look in the cabinets to see baby formula. I quickly made Cassie a bottle and started to feed her. Her tears slowly disappeared. I felt the walls, they were firm but cold. The only windows this place had were small rectangles high up on the walls, unable to reach. I gulped hard, Am I in a basement?
I looked down at Cassie and gave her a break, therefore she wouldn't have any stomach aches. I placed Cassie on my chest and started to pat her back gently. "Where are we?" I asked Cassie in a whisper.
I heard a door unlock as I walked back into the living room. My eyes widened as I noticed there was a small entrance left of the television stand. The metal door opened. The masked man came down the stairs. He looked at me as I held Cassie. The man seemed pleased. "I told you to bring Cassie back to Jesse."
The man held out hand to silence me. He brought his pointer finger to his lips. He went into his pocket and gave me a piece of paper. I took it from him with a trembling hand read, Welcome to your new home Cassie. Your daily tasks are to wake up, make breakfast at 8:00am, make lunch at 11:30am, make dinner at 7:00pm, clean the house top to bottom. You will wear your clothes, hair and make up exactly as I tell you. You will make sure both you and our baby are bathed, feed, and well rested. Between 2:00pm and 4:00pm you may read, watch a movie, draw, write, do puzzles, play cards whatever you want. Every Friday will be family night, we watch a movie together, have junk food and play games. Every other Friday night when Cassie is asleep, we will make love. Fail to cooperate and there will be severe consequences.
I looked at the man, "You cannot be serious? This is Jesse's baby, not ours."
The man back handed me. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at the back of the baby's head. "Alright, alright," I say covering Cassie's head. "I'll do it."
The masked man put the gun away and walked out of the door.
I let go of my breath and looked at Cassie who was fast asleep. I walked over to the bassinet and placed Cassie in it. I sat in the couch and shook my head. Tears blurred my vision. I sucked it up and looked over at Cassie, "I'm doing this for you."
I looked at the clock to see that it was almost eleven-thirty. I dried my tears and looked into the cabinets. I saw a box of macaroni and cheese. Hopefully he doesn't get mad that lunch is basic, I thought as I put water in a pot. While I waited for the water to boil, I walked over to the bassinet. She's so tiny. If I'm going to be reckless and attempt to break free, I have to be careful.
I put my finger into Cassie's little hand. She gripped it firmly. I smiled. "I'm going to get you out if here," I promised as I looked out the snow covered window. I'm going to have to wait until it gets warmer.
I put bowls of macaroni and cheese down on the kitchen table. I looked at the clock, 11:30am. I sat down with my fork in my hand. "Should I wait?" I wondered out loud as I heard my stomach growl. He has five minutes.
Ten minutes went by. I shook my head and took a bite out of my lunch.
It was going on twelve o'clock and the masked man still hasn't showed up. I put the left overs in the fridge and cleaned out the pan. I wondered around and discovered a bed room. It had a nice, queen sized bed with a tall barrow and mirror. I opened the drawers and saw them filled with girl clothes that still had the tag. He doesn't live here, I observed as I walked into the small bathroom with a stand-in shower, sink on top of cabinets and a toilet. I took a deep breath and pressed my head against the wall.
While rocking Cassie back and forth to cheer her up, I started to wonder, If the masked man didn't show up for lunch I can assume that he either goes to school or works. Which one could it be?
I gave Cassie a bottle as I was waiting on the garlic bread to go with the spaghetti and meatballs. I rested the bottle on the corner if my chin as I dished out the spaghetti. I quickly burped Cassie and laid her down. I put the garlic bread on the corner of the plate and placed it on the table. I heard the sound of the metal door opening and closing. The masked man walked into the kitchen. I gave him a fake smile, "I don't know what you like yet, so I started with something simple. I hope it's OK."
The masked man walked toward me. I tried to remain as calm as I possibly could. The masked man pulled the chair I sat at earlier out for me. I thanked him and sat down. The man sat down and began to eat. He seemed content. "You should give me a list of things you are allergic to so I don't use anything you aren't suppose to eat."
The man nodded and got up from his seat. He got pen and paper and started to write. After, he gave me his list. Peanuts, grapes and almonds. "Thank you," I smiled and took a bite. Who do I know that are allergic to those three thing?
As hard as I tried I couldn't think of anyone. This was going to bother me.
I was soon finished. As I cleaned the dishes, I noticed the masked man picked up Cassie. It made my skin crawl knowing his hands were covered in Mrs. May's blood. I walked over to him as he put the baby back down. He tapped the mask's cheek. I went up to him and kissed his cheek. It made me feel like I was going to get sick. I changed Cassie's diaper before taking her into bed with me. I placed pillows on the right side of her creating a wall as I was on the left side of her. It was impossible to get comfy with this chain around my ankle. Cassie became fussy. I laid on my side and rubbed her belly gently to give her reassurance that she was going to be alright. I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes to try to fall asleep.

I honestly don't know how I can up with this chapter.
I hope you liked it :)
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