Chapter Twenty

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I tossed and turned for the past four days. Cassie hasn't slept for more than two hours, not that I blame her. I rub her stomach. Its so weird, in a good way, having someone named after me. I looked at the clock, 7:36am. I slowly got up and walked towards the door. Stepping out of the room, Cassie started crying. Does this baby have a radar?
I picked Cassie up. I fed her an hour ago. I got a diaper. I smiled at Cassie, "I would cry to if I were you, but you're all better."
Cassie stopped crying. I placed her in the bassinet in the living room and started to make pancakes for breakfast. If this guy thinks I'm going to be a housewife he is sadly mistaken, I thought flipping the pancake to the other side. I filled glasses with orange juice. I glanced at the clock, 7:59am, and sat down at my side of the table. I heard the door open. The masked man sat down and started to eat. "Slow down, you don't want to choke," I took a sip of my orange juice, "late for school or something?" I teased kindly.
The masked man paused for a moment, he looked at me with daring eyes. I pretended not to notice as I took a bite. "It's Friday, what should I plan for family night?"
The man didn't speak, instead he got up and ran out the door. I smiled. He goes to school and is allergic to peanuts, grapes and almonds. I must know who this guy is, but who could he be?
I walked into the room and found clothes on the dresser. I guess this is what I'm wearing. I picked the clothes up and took a shower, being careful of letting water onto my stitches. I put the black jeans, which had weird shape down one pant leg in order for me to wear them as my foot was chained and a blue tank top that showed a little stomach. This is kind of like the outfit I wore on the first day of school. My eyes widened. This must mean I have at least one class with him. I started to think hard, but Cassie's crying threw me off track. I went into the living room and showed Cassie my face. Her fussing came down slowly. I smiled at her and dried her tears, "What's all that yelling for? I'm right here."
I put my finger in her hand. "I need you to hold on a little while longer. You have a loving father who can't wait to see you."
I took a deep breath, but the tears wouldn't stop. I looked down at my feet to see one of them still chained. I felt terrible that Cassie would never get the chance to see her mother, not even in her dreams. I wiped my tears away for Cassie's sake.
During my break I wondered into the bathroom. I looked under the sink to see things for me when it came for that time of month, endless rolls of toilet paper and toothpaste, and a cold draft. I removed toilet paper from the cabinet and a whole. I reached in to feel snow. I smiled as I felt hope. I put the toilet paper back where I found them and went to look around for more flaws. I followed my chain and saw it came from underneath the couch. I pushed the couch back and saw the chain locked onto a handle. I pulled the handle with all my might to only strain myself. I took a deep breath as I had sweat on my forehead. I pulled the couch back into it's place and sat down. I laid my head back in defeat and looked at the ceiling. There was a vent, maybe it's big enough for me to squeeze into. I stood up on the coffee table and saw that I need a screw driver. The man isn't dumb enough to leave one laying around. I smiled, "Maybe he can check for rats."
As I was in the middle of making baked pork chops, I heard the door open. I walked into the living room and saw the masked man peaking inside the bassinet to see Cassie asleep. "You're home early," I forced myself to say, realizing this is the first time. "Dinner won't be done until seven o'clock, I hope that's alright."
The masked man nodded and sat down in the couch. I took a deep breath, I didn't want him near Cassie. I smiled polity and returned to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw cans of beer in one if the drawers. I grabbed one and held it out to him, "Would you like one? Its nice and cold."
The man took the can and opened it. I don't know how he eats or drinks with that thing on. I went over to Cassie to check on her. "That reminds me, earlier when I was trying to take a nap during my break, I thought I heard squeaking up in the vent. Do you think you can check it when you have a chance?"
The man nodded as he patted the space next to him. I sat down with a smile. He put an arm around me and brought me closer to him. I felt myself get angry, but I kept my cool for Cassie.
After dinner, the masked man put on a movie as I gave Cassie a bottle. We sat down on the couch together. I moved my hair as I got a towel and put it on my shoulder. I started to pat her back. I looked down to see Cassie spitting up a bit. "That's gross but there you go," I whispered to her as I wiped the corner of Cassie's mouth. I had a feeling the man would get angry if I were to get up in the middle of the movie. I whispered to him that Cassie has spit up and I was going to go clean her off. I kissed his masked cheek and got up. I went into the room and put Cassie in new pajamas. I returned and put Cassie in her bassinet before sitting down.
As the movie was at the end, the masked man ran his hand up my thigh. I bit by lip and looked to the side to see Cassie sleeping soundlessly. The man grabbed my arm and guided me into the bedroom. He pushed me down onto the bed and came over me. He lowered himself down and licked my neck. "No," I firmly told him. The man forcibly removed my shirt and bra. I started to cry as he flipped me over to my stomach. "No!" I shouted and squirmed to get out of his grasps. The man pulled down my pants and underwear hard. I couldn't feel my face as I was crying so hard. I felt the man stop for a moment. My eyes looked in back of me as I saw him put on a condom. I crawled out from underneath him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. "No, no, no!" I screamed. The man covered by mouth and entered the space I only gave one person permission...Eric. With every thrust the man made, the harder tears fell from my eyes. I squeezed the sheets turning my knuckles white as I screamed into the man's hand. I have shed so much tears, my eyes couldn't produce anymore. My eyes widened, Eric. I lifted myself up. The man grabbed the back of my neck and pushed my face into the blankets. I swung my arms behind me. My fingers grabbed hold of the mask as I poked the man's eyes and ripped it from his face. I looked in back and saw the man violating me. Eric. "Yes Cassie, it's me" Eric grinned and pushed be against the bed hard. "Isn't this like old times?"
I started to cry as he pulled himself out. I refused to look Eric as I closed my eyes, collapsing my lower body into the bed. I looked in back of me, "You.. killed all those...woman, Tracy, Mrs. May...why?"
"I knew sooner or later you would have gave in and wanted to go home with me," Eric answered.
"Where are we?"
Eric put his finger up to his lips and smiled while he walked out of the room. I started to cry all over again. I looked out the window as I grabbed my necklace. Have someone come find me. I wept into the blanket as I could still fell Eric's body on top of mine. I needed someone to come find me soon for Cassie and my well being.

I know, I know, why so harsh man?
I'm truly sorry, but Cassie learns the truth about the man behind the mask
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