Chapter Five

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Mrs. May came up to me with my costume all reading for me to wear as I was finishing putting the decorations up. "Stop working so hard," Mrs. May told me with a bright smiled on her face. "The place looks gorgeous. Now get this on, guests will be arriving shortly."
I chuckled a little and grabbed my costume from Mrs. May and went into the bathroom to put it on. I looked at myself in the mirror. Everything fits so nicely. I look kinda hot, I admitted to myself as I noticed that my medium sized breast looked amazing. I also noticed that some of my bruises were showing. I grabbed my bag and pulled out my make up bag. I took a step back once I was done and the bruises looked faked as if my father had never laid a hand on me. Getting back to the entrance of the gym, I noticed tons of people in their costumes getting ready to enter the gym with their three dollars out and ready to hand to Jake. I walked up to Jake, who was dressed as a cowboy, and confessed, "I didn't think this many people would show up."
Jake smiled and collected three dollars from a guy dressed as Superman. "You know Cas, you are really good at coming up with ideas and putting events like this together. Maybe that's what you should do when we get out of this hellhole. I hear they make tons of money."
"I haven't really gave it much thought of what I wanted to do," I say as I started to organize the money in the metal box in front of Jake. "I'm going to check to see if the band is all set," I tell him.
Entering the gym, I saw people already dancing to the music the band produced. I stood near the refreshment stand and looked at my idea grow into success. Someone in a black tux with a silver mask with black designs around the eyes was standing next to me. The cologne of the masked man filled my lungs. I looked to my side and smiled while taking a tiny step towards him, "What do you think Mr. Matthews?"
"I think you've done a splendid job," Peter told me with a smile.
"Thank you," I smiled.
I looked around to see tons of zombies, witches, ghouls, wizards, characters from shows, movies and video games. I spotted Tracy dressed in a similar pirate outfit, only her colors were different and she was wearing black pants with boots on her feet. My phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my skirt pocket and looked at the message, I'm going to do it for you Cassie, just you wait, Xoxo.
Why does this guy keep sending me this? What is it even suppose to mean? I thought as I grew frustrated.
"Cas!" I heard my name being called.
I looked over to see Chris dressed as a sheriff from the Old West waving for me to come over to him. "Excuse me Mr. Matthews," I politely say to Peter and walked over to Chris.
Chris looked at me. He grabbed my hand and twirled me around, "So sexy," Chris said, "might turn me straight for the night."
"Chris there is no way to straighten you out."
Chris laughed as Jake came up to Chris and I as he was finished collecting the money. Jake grabbed both Chris's hand and my hand and we started dancing.
Looking around to see smiles upon peoples faces and having fun made me happy. Maybe I should be an event planner, I thought as I sat down in one of the chairs set off to the side of the dance floor. The band started to play soft, slow music for the couples. In the corner of my eye, I spotted a hand reaching out to me. I looked up to see Peter. "The host deserves to dance to."
Peter is wearing a mask. I don't think anyone would have known it was Mr. Matthew if they tried. I smiled and slid my hand into Peter's warm, firm, but soft hand. Peter grabbed my waist, I couldn't help but blush. I placed my hand on Peter's shoulder as we held hands. While we were swaying side to side, I asked, "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course," Peter said with a smile.
I took a deep breath as I pulled back to slowly twirl underneath Peter's arms. Returning close together, I asked my question, "If someone murdered somebody and covered it up to make it look like suicide, can that person still get locked up even though it's been a couple of years?"
"That's a dark question," Peter said surprisingly as he looked down on me, "but I suppose if there was enough evidence, then yes. Why do you ask?"
"It's for this story I'm working on," I lied.
Peter smiled, "I would love to read it when it's finished."
I shrugged, smiling back at him, "Maybe."
As Peter's and my body got closer, I looked around the decorated gym. My eyes closed for a moment while I rested my chin on Peter's shoulder. I never want to let go of this moment, I thought as I felt Peter place his head against mine. Opening my eyes, I spotted the white, creepy mask on the unknown man staring at me from cross the gym. He held up his black gloved hand as I saw a few drops of some liquid fall next to his feet. "Cassie what's wrong?" I heard Peter ask.
I realize I was holding onto Peter's shoulder by the nails. "I got to go over there," I answered as I slid out from Peter's arms.
Getting closer to the area where the man was standing, the man disappeared. I looked down at the floor and saw tiny, red drops on the floor. Is that blood? I wondered as I could feel my heart beat faster against my chest. I ran out the gym doors and looked around thinking about where the man could have gone. In the corner of my eye, I saw the man turn right to run down the hall. I ran as fast as I could in my peach heels I was wearing. I noticed the man was going towards one of the side exists of the school. I took a short cut and used one of the classrooms to get a head of him. I blocked the door as he approached, "Who are you?" I yelled while panting from running all over the school.
The man turned around and took off down the hall.
I changed my pace and started walking slowly as I was approaching one of the cafeterias. I peeked my head inside to look around before entering. A trash can rolled into my direction, the man came darting towards me and grabbed a fist full of my hair and smashed my head against one of the lunch table, knocking me out almost instantly.
I started to hear someone's voice calling my name over and over again. The voice sounded a lot like Peter, but I wasn't sure. I opened my eyes to see Peter looking down at me alarmed. Peter helped me sit up slowly as I placed my hand on the side of my head. "What happened?" Peter asked.
"I don't remember," I lied as I quickly thought of another, "I came in here for a water bottle out of the vending machine and I must have past out."
"Have you eaten anything?"
I shook my head. "Not recently," I answered truthfully as I have spent all of lunch preparing for the monster bash to avoid the embarrassment of not having lunch money.
Peter helped me get onto my feet and opened the cafeteria door with his lower back, "Let's get you some food then."
In Peter's car, we drove to a fast food restaurant. I felt terrible that I had no money to pay him back. "Please don't worry about paying me back," Peter told me as he gave me my bag of food, "you don't have to."
I nodded as I still felt bad. "Thank you," I say to him as he pulled in the parking lot to have us eat our food.
Peter looked at me, moving my face softly to the side as he looked where I banged my head, "It doesn't look bad. It might bruise."
"Good thing it's the weekend," I claimed as I bit into my chicken sandwich. "How is Rocky?" I asked changing the subject. "I miss him."
Peter smiled, "Rocky is good. He hasn't been very playful these last few months. I think he misses you too. I know I do."
I looked away as I knew that my cheeks were bright red.
After we were finished eating, Peter drove me home. I looked at Peter while he parked the car along the road. "Thank you for everything," I said taking my seatbelt off of me.
Peter placed his hand over mine, "Be safe Cassie. Don't forget to eat, alright?"
"Alright," I answered him, wanting to keep my word.
As I leaned over to kiss his cheek, Peter turned his head and placed his lips against mine. I touched Peter's cheek as our lips parted. He ran his fingers through my hair. It was the best feeling ever. I pulled back and looked deep in his eyes, "Peter like you said, we can't be doing this."
"Someone once told me that we could try."
I smiles sadly, "As much as I would love to, I don't want to destroy what took you so long to build."
"I know Cassie. Don't think so harshly."
I nodded as I felt my eyes tear up. I bit my lip and opened the door, "I'll see you on Monday."
"Cassie," Peter called my name sadly after I realized I couldn't control my voice.
I ignored him and walked up to the house. I placed my back against the door before going up the hallway stairs to enter the apartment. A tear fell out of my eye and rolled down my cheek. I wiped the tear away before it could fall on the floor from my chin. My phone vibrated. I hesitated to look at it as I thought it might have came from Peter. I looked down and saw that it came from the masked man. Just know I did it for you, Xoxo.
I shook my head and slid helplessly onto the ground.

Its frustrating to see people who want to be together, but can't ugh!!
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