Chapter Twenty-Two

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There was no crying to be heard. No bottles to be filled. No diapers to change. No baby to hold. I remembered I was all alone. My eyes began to tear up as the spot next to me was empty. I got up to hear the chain fall onto the floor. I looked over to the bassinet. It pained me to see it so empty. "Cassie," I whispered as a tear fell in the empty baby bed. I sat at the kitchen table staring at my bowl of cereal as my head was being held by my palm. I should be happy that she is back with Jesse. Why am I so sad that Cassie is gone? I asked myself as I played with my food. I pushed my bowl and placed my forehead on the table. "Because she's my baby," I cried.
I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. Friday was in three days. I don't want to be pregnant and I don't want Eric to be the father of my children. I watched my bowl and spoon and placed them in the dish rack. I went over to the couch and laid down. I pretended that Peter was here with me. His arms around me and telling me that everything was going to be OK. I knew deep down that things were far from OK. My eyes grew heavy from crying. I gave up in trying to keep them away and I had let them close.
I opened my eyes to see that the sun was setting. I looked at the clock, 7:38pm. My eyes widened and went into the kitchen. I saw Eric making dinner. He looked at me. He's upset. Eric dished out plates. "Do you know what time it is?" Eric asked me. "I come home to see you passed out on the couch. What is going to happen when we have children? Fend for themselves while you sleep all day!"
"No of course not. I haven't been feeling well," I lied.
Eric looked at me. His eyes widened. He ran up to me and smacked me. I crashed onto the floor. "Who have you been sleeping with?" Eric shouted.
"What?" I asked.
"Whose kid is in there?"
"I'm not—," I paused. I had my period five days ago. Does he really think I'm pregnant?
"Whose kid is in there?" Eric repeated himself loudly.
I held my lower stomach and held my hand out, "Its you're kid baby, who else do I love more than anything?"
Eric's eyes widened as his face soften. He helped my onto my feet, "I'm so sorry Cas. I'll control my temper more for our son."
"It could be a girl," I smiled.
"I know, but I really want a boy. Here sit down," Eric said sitting me down on the couch.
"Thank you," I say. I faked a whimper as I held my ankle.
Eric ran his fingers through his head and walked quickly back and forth. "What have I done?" Eric asked himself over and over again. He kneeled down, "I'm so sorry."
"Its alright. My ankle won't heal if it's bound. Can you take it off?"
Eric nodded and got a key from his key chain. When he took the cuff of my ankle. I winced as it hurt to move it as it hasn't been moving properly in over two months. Eric ran into the bathroom and came right out with a first aid kit. I pretended I was in pain as he wrapped it. Eric carried me into the bedroom and laid me down on the bed. He kissed my forehead. "I'm so sorry," Eric told me. "I love you."
I fucking hate you. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you too," I lied.
Eric went out of the bedroom to return to the kitchen. Is it wrong that I toy with his emotions for fun sometimes?
Eric came back with bowls of soup. He handed me a bowl as he put his down on the nightstand. He brought the TV into the room. "I hope the baby likes soup," Eric smiled and laid down next to me.
I felt like if I told him that I wasn't pregnant then it would hurt him. I could tell him a few weeks I lost the baby. No, no that's twisted. This whole situation is twisted. I took a bite of my soup.
Eric looked at me and took my empty bowl. Eric kissed me and my lower belly before walking away. Once I heard the for shut, I waited a little while before moving around. When ten minutes went by, I went into the bathroom to take a shower. It felt so good to take an actual shower and not have my foot dangling off the edge of the tub. I leaned against the wall. I sighed heartbroken. I wanted Cassie back in my arms. I took a deep breath and got out of the shower. I wrapped by foot back up and put socks over my feet. I'll try escaping tomorrow, I thought and laid down. I pulled the sheets up to my chin and nuzzled my lips into the blanket as I laid on my side.

Awww:( I guess when you raise a baby, even if it's not yours, that baby is in fact your baby.
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