Chapter Twenty-Three

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Eric was listening to boring teachers and I was turning screws to the vents above the coffee table with a butter knife. I took the dusty cover to the vent off. I peaked my head inside and found nothing odd. I turned to look on the other side as saw a dead rat. I scream with fright as I covered my mouth. I moved the dead rat far away from my face. I sighed with defeat. I put the cover back on and put the screws back in. Climbing down, my foot slipped out from underneath me and I fell down. I winced. "Did I just break my ankle?" I asked myself as I looked down to see that I fell on it wrong. I groaned. It hurt to move it. "Get me out of here!" I yelled at my mother as I laid down on the cold floor. I stood up and hopped into the kitchen to trash the butter knife in my hand. I hopped my way into the bedroom feeling like a rabbit. I laid down and sighed sadly. While watching TV, I felt myself become crazy. I banged on the wall with my fist. "I want out!" I cried. I started to bang my head against the wall. "I...want...out," I say out of breath. I laid in the bed and looked at the ceiling. "I was born in this shit hole to get beaten to death and sexually harassed by my own father, to become his personal slave, I proved that you did not commit suicide, I'm in this fucking basement where no one knows where I am with a psychopath that killed dozen of women!" I shouted at my mother as my vision became blurred with tears. "Is this the thanks I get?"
I looked at the ceiling for a moment longer. I took a deep breath and rolled to my side as I got my notebook from underneath my mattress and started to write a new entry in a new, clean sheet.
I'm hungry, I thought as I hopped into the kitchen while my stomach yelled at me to feed it. I heated up some leftover soup. I took a bite from it and looked up at the ceiling. "I'm sorry ma," I apologized and took another bite. "Its not your fault."
I heard the door open. I looked up to see Eric with crutches. "How did you get in here?"
"I hopped in here."
Eric smiled and leaned the crutches on the table. He moved my hair out of my face, "What happened to your forehead?"
"Silly me fell on the floor when I was asleep."
"The baby alright?"
I smiled, "The baby is fine."
Eric chuckled, "You ought to be more careful."
"I will," I say with a smile, "How was school?"
"Boring, the replaced Mrs. May with this old guy. All we do is just sit there and hang out."
"Is it that Mr. Ethan guy?"
Eric shook his head, "You wouldn't know him."
"Oh," I said kind of sadly.
Eric held out his hand. It was a baby book. "It has over 2,500 names to choose from and it has some tips."
I took the book from Eric not knowing what to say. "Thank you," I smiled.
"Not a problem love. Are you finished?" Eric asked looking at empty bowl.
I nodded and I brought my new crutches over to me. I stood up and put each one under my armpit. I looked at Eric. "I'll be getting a good work out for the up coming months huh?"
Eric nodded and washed my bowl and spoon for me. I walked into the bedroom and laid down. "I'll be in shortly!" Eric informed me.
I flipped through the pages of the baby book. I have to tell him, but the only thing keeping him from having sex with him. I sighed in confusion. What do I do?
Eric came in and laid down besides me. He put an arm around me. I looked at him. "Eric?"
"Yeah?" He answered while glancing at me for a moment and then went back to the TV.
As much as I wanted to, I couldn't bring myself to tell Eric the truth about the baby. "I'm really happy," I lied.
Eric smiled cheesily and kissed my forehead, "I'm happy too."

Do you think Cassie should tell him the truth?
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