Chapter One

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Music played softly in the small store as I looked though the clothes on the rack, picking out new clothes for my first day as an official junior in high school. I graphed out outfits in my mind as I put my shirts, shorts and some jeans over my elbow. I took one last look around the store before walking to the counter to check out. "Find everything OK?" The woman behind the white counter asked with a big smile in a southern accent, she hasn't lost yet, while peeling at the edge of the counter.
Maybe she is new to this small town? I wondered to myself. "I think so," I answered the woman as I pulled out the money I have been saving from babysitting my neighbor's kids over the summer.
"This blue shirt will brighten those baby blue eyes right up," the woman said while taking the hanger off of the blue tank top that showed a little belly and folded it neatly before placing it in the bag.
"You think?" I smiled. "I thought it was pretty cute and I just couldn't bring myself to put it back."
The woman nodded with a giggle. I thanked the woman for her services and then walked out of the store.
Walking down the street, hearing my flip flops make that clicking like noise every time I took a step, I saw a grey and white pitbull with bright, baby blue eyes like my very own. My heart melted as it walked closer to me. It stopped and sniffed my thigh, tickling me with his cold, wet nose. I looked up at the owner who looked at me with his deep, forest green eyes as he wore light jeans and a white T-shirt showing his strong, tattooed arms. I couldn't help but blush slightly from this man's handsomeness. I let my hand down to the pitbull's nose, waiting for the OK to pet its head. The pitbull licked my hand and nuzzled into it. "I think Rocky likes you," the owner said in a low, sweet, husky voice as he smiled brightly showing his pearl white, perfect teeth.
I got onto my knees and cupped Rocky's cheeks while I softly scratched behind his ears with my long, dark green nails, "I think Rocky is just adorable."
I stood back up as Rocky's owner held out his hand, "I'm Peter."
"Cassie," I introduced myself as I shook Peter's hand, guessing that he was a few years older.
"Rocky and I were just about to grab a bite, care to join us?"
I thought about it for a quick second while being hesitant. I had nothing better to do. When I go home I would have to do dumb, stupid chores. I smiled, "Sure."
Peter and I sat outside in the park with Rocky laying down on the grass next to me while chewing on some milk bones. I took a bite out of my hamburger as I pet the top of Rocky's head. Peter looked at me. Is he wondering how to brake the silence? Should I be the one to do it? I asked myself. I remembered not seeing Peter around town before and therefore I asked, "Are you new in town?"
"I've lived here when I was younger. My parents got a job a few towns over when I was around eleven and lived there my whole life," Peter answered while taking a sip of his drink. "Do your parents live here?"
I nodded, "My dad."
Taking a sip of my soda, Rocky sat next to me, placing his head in my lap. I giggled as I heard Peter say, "He has never been this clingy to anyone, besides me, before."
"I'm sure this is how you get all the ladies, am I right?" I playfully teased as I knew the trick.
"Only the cute ones," Peter replied as he reached over to pet the top of Rocky's head, "good boy," he praised Rocky.
I looked down at my soda as I felt my cheeks getting red. The wind blew, pushing my long black hair that was up in a ponytail backwards, making me get a catch a good swift of Peter's cologne. God he smells good. Peter looked at me. Our faces were so close to each others. Something about him made it seem like I could trust him with just about anything. Maybe I developed a crush. As our lips grazed each others, we heard a loud mooing. I smiled and got my phone out of my back pocket. I sighed as I saw the text message from my dad. I looked at Peter, "I'm sorry. I got to go."
"Let me walk you. It's getting late."
I didn't want to leave so soon. I wanted to stay for just a bit longer in his presence. "OK," I answered.
While walking in the direction of my house, I noticed Peter took out his phone and unlocked it. He held the phone out for me to see a new contact page set up on his phone. I chuckled, taking the phone gently from his hand and programmed my number. I looked at Peter as I heard a moo come from my back pocket. "So am I going to see your around?" I asked, hoping I was going to. Peter seemed nice and I wanted to get to know him a bit more as a person.
I stopped walking and looked up at Peter as he was a couple of inches taller than me. "Its only a few houses down."
I kneeled down and kissed the top of Rocky's head. Standing up, Peter praised Rocky for being good. I took a small step closer. Peter smiled as he also took a step closer. "It was nice meeting you," Peter told me.
"Likewise," I smiled and kissed Peter's cheek goodbye.
Peter gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer, placing his lips against mine. My eyes widened as I blushed slightly. "I'm sorry," Peter apologized. "I don't know what got into me."
I shook my head, got on my tippy-toes and kissed him, "See you around Peter."
I walked into my second floor apartment to see my dad on the couch with a beer in his hand. I quietly passed him, being careful not to destroy his peaceful slumber. After putting my new clothes away in drawers and on hangers to keep them safe in my closet, I went into the living room and started to pick up the beer bottles and cans up from the floor around Dad. I glanced up to see Dad awake. He shook his beer can for me to hear the tiny drop bounce from the sides of the empty can. I brought Dad a fresh, cold beer from the fridge. He smiled, "You're going to make a man proud one day Cassie."
I wanted to roll my eyes, but I knew better. Instead, I forced a smile before disappearing into the kitchen. I opened up the cabinets above the microwave. "What would you like for supper?" I asked Dad.
"Make me some of your homemade chicken soup I love so much."
I pulled out what I needed to make Dad's order.
While placing some pasta bow ties into the boiling pot mixed with carrots, celery and bits of chicken, I noticed Dad getting up from his spot on the couch and wobbled drunkenly towards the bathroom. I let the pot be for awhile to clean some parts of the kitchen. Dad came up behind me and touched my shoulders. "You turned into quite the woman. How long until the soup is done?"
I gulped. "I would say another fifteen minutes," I guessed.
"I only need ten," Dad said turning me around to face him. I looked into his crazed, big, brown eyes, determined to do the unimaginable, sickest thing a father could ever do to his daughter. Dad pushed my lower back against the counter I was cleaning off. I felt his strong rancid breath on my neck. The foul smell burned the inside of my nose. I shook my head and pushed him away. "No!" I yelled.
Bad move, I thought as I saw Dad's eyes become enraged. Dad raised his hand and struck my cheek hard enough to knock me off of my feet. "If your mother haven't gone and off herself, I wouldn't have to do this!" Dad shouted at the top of his lungs as he kicked my stomach repetitively.
I winced quietly to myself as I knew that me crying would only exasperate him to do more harm. Dad unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them. I looked away as he dropped his dirty jeans that he had been wearing for almost two full weeks. He bents down and snatched my hand, "Touch me slut! Show me what your mother gave you."
I shook my head as I remembered what happened last time I had refused. I couldn't bring myself to cooperate to do this act of taboo. I felt a sharp blade against my throat. "Do it or else."
My body trembled in fear and slowly started obeying him. Dad pressed the knife against my gullet firmly, making me grip tighter. Dad looked at the ceiling as he released a low, soft moan. I squeezed my eyes shut as my eyes started to fill up with tears. Dad release my hand from his manhood. "Fix me my plate slut," I heard him order me.
When Dad stepped out of the kitchen, that's when I silently burst out into tears. I held my neck gently as I got back onto my feet. I looked at my hands to see tiny drops if blood. I washed my hands for a good five minutes. "Where is my soup?" Dad yelled.
I grabbed a clean bowl and spoon from the drying rack, swiftly filled it with homemade chicken soup and brought it over to Dad's lap.
Placing my bowl into the sink, Dad looked at me with eyes that said 'come here'. I shook my head and darted towards the bathroom door, the only door with a lock on it. Dad grabbed my ponytail, pulling me backwards as I shut the bathroom door. I locked the door and searched for some scissors I knew that were somewhere nearby. I pulled my hair as much as I could and cut my long, jet black hair. I faced the door as I breathed heavily, feeling my heart beat out of my chest while hearing Dad pound his fist against the door. "Unlock the door! Your break time is up."
I sat on the floor, hugging my knees tightly as I begged Dad to stop. I held the necklace that once belonged to my mother and begged her to somehow make Dad stop.

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it so far:)
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