Chapter Nine

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My hair is a disaster, I thought as I looked into the mirror. I quickly got into the shower washing all the dried out bleach out of my hair, being cautious of my eyes. Some spots were lighter than others. "I need to dye my hair," I told myself while looking in my wallet that had five bucks. Is that enough?
Slowly tip toeing past Dad, I put my hood over my head. Jake is going to freak when he sees my hair, I say as the bus pulled up.
Trying not to reveal my hair was shortly coming to an end as I opened my locker. I took off my hood casually. "Oh my goodness what happened to your hair?" Jake asked while touching it.
"I was cleaning and I fell onto some bleach," I half lied as I saw Chris coming up behind Jake.
"My mom is a hair dresser. She could fix that for you."
"I have no money to pay her," I explained to Chris while getting my morning books.
Chris shook his finger side to side as he put his phone onto his ear. Chris smiled, putting his phone in his pocket. "My mom is expecting you in twenty minutes at the barber shop down the street."
"Is she really going to see me this early in the morning."
"Mom dropped me off an hour early because she was excited about her new shop. Now go," Chris told me taking my morning books from my locker and grabbed my bag before shutting my locker.
I smiled and grabbed my bag from Chris. Walking through one of the doors, I bumped into Peter. Peter smiled slightly. He reached into his pocket, "Here is a copy of a key to the house."
I smiled and put the key in my bag. "Rocky is in good hands."
"I know he is. Thank you so much for doing this for me—what happened to your hair."
"Fell in some bleach while cleaning," I answered. "Chris's mom is going to fix it for me."
"Do you need a ride?"
"Thank you, but it's only down the street. Give your grandmother a flower for me."
Peter nodded, getting into his car, "Will do."
I watched Peter drive off before heading down to the barber shop.
I walked into the barber shop to see a woman with blond hair and tan skin. I smiled remembering the woman who sold me my school clothes. Her eyes light up, "Take a seat," the woman said in her southern accent while pointing to a seat. I found funny that Chris didn't have an accent. "I'm Sarah," she added.
I smiled as I introduce myself while taking a seat. "Do you want to stay with your black hair or try something new?" Sarah asked.
I thought about it. If I dye my hair a different color, I might be steer clear from who ever is killing teenage girls if it's not the masked man. Who am I kidding? Of course it's him. I guess it doesn't hurt to try. "Maybe red."
"Like the Little Mermaid hair or darker?"
I smiled, "Maybe like that, but a tiny bit darker."
Sarah smiled, "You got it kiddo."
I couldn't thank Sarah enough. I felt terrible she did it for free so early in the morning. She chuckled as I ran my fingers through my new red hair. I turned to Sarah, "Please let me give you something or allow me to work until it's paid off," I insisted.
"Its my store. I can do whatever I want. Go enjoy your new hair."
I got emotional a tiny bit. This was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I hugged Sarah, thanking her for the marvelous job. I put my leather jacket on and thanked her one last time before leaving.
By the time I reached school, fourth period classes have already begun. My phone vibrated. I hope little red doesn't get eaten by the big bad wolf, Xoxo, I read while walking into class. Jake and Chris smiled as they saw me walk into the classroom. "You look amazing," Jake told me while touching it, "so soft."
"Thank you. I felt bad that your mom did it all for free on such short noticed," I told Chris.
Chris looked up from his phone with a half smile, "No problem."
Jake walked up to Mr. Ethan with his agenda. When Jake walked out, Chris took Jake seat and pulled the desk closer to me slightly. "Uh Cassie," Chris said in a quiet, shaky voice.
I looked over to see a concern look on Chris's face. "Are you OK?"
"When you hugged my mom while saying thank you, she felt lumps on you. Are you sick or anything?"
I forced myself to giggle, "Chris I can assure you that I'm very healthy and have no lumps."
"You would tell us if anything was seriously wrong, wouldn't you?"
"Of course. You and Jake would be the first to know if anything was wrong."
Chris smiled with reassurance and went back to his seat. I took a long, silently sigh. That was close. Note to self, don't hug people when happy.
Walking up to Peter's house, I heard Rocky's nails scratching the door. I squeezed through the door as Rocky jumped up on my thigh. I smiled, "I know I know, I'm back."
Rocky ran around to the kitchen, jumped up on the couch in the living room and jumped back onto my thigh. His tongue hung out of his mouth as he panted. "Go get some water silly."
I put my bag down and grabbed Rocky's leash and hooked it to Rocky's collar.
Rocky stopped near a bush and done his private business. I looked back at Peters house, I would love to live in a house like that someday.
I opened the door and allowed Rocky to go in first. I sat down on the couch and took a relaxing sigh. Rocky came up and placed his head on my lap. Rocky sniffed my side and began to lift my shirt. He licked my bruises. "Rocky no," I told him while putting my shirt back down as we both knew what he saw.
Rocky's eyes began to fill up with tears. Does he know just from looking at it? I wondered. I smiled at him while scratching behind Rocky's ear lightly, "Don't look at me like that. I'm alright."
I turned on the TV as I laid down on the couch while Rocky laid next to me. I looked through my phone. I saw a recording app. I'll try to get Dad to confess mom. I put my phone down and watched the channel the TV was on.
My phone vibrated loudly, shaking the wooden coffee table. I opened my eyes and saw it was going on five o'clock. I kissed Rocky's forehead after making sure he had plenty of food and water. "Love you Rocky," I told him before locking the house up.

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Forbidden LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora