Chapter Twenty-Six

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The trunk opened and I was yanked out of the car. My body fell to the floor as I saw I was in the middle of the woods. A old, warn down house stood in front of me. I scrambled onto my feet as tears poured from my eyes while Eric dragged me toward the house. He opened the old wooden door and threw me in. "I give you everything you possibly wanted and this is the thanks I get?" Eric shouted as I fell on my stomach. Eric grabbed my hair and walked my into the rusty that had trash all around. We went downstairs and we stood at the metal door. He picked be up and we went into the home I've been living in for almost ten months. Eric threw me on the bed and brought out the cuff. He locked it in my ankle. "This is your home now!" Eric shouted as he slapped me receptively.
I watched him leave the room as my cheeks stung and felt as if they were on fire. He put the living room back together. Eric grabbed my chain and pulled it, dragging me off the bed and towards him. He stood me up violently and shoved me into the bathroom. "Dye your hair black and don't you dare come out until it's done!" Eric ordered me and slammed the door.
I looked into the mirror and my hair was completely black, all traces of red were gone. I slowly opened the door to see Eric keeping guard. He turned around and smiled at me, "It looks great."
"Thank you," I say and looked at the clock. 6:29pm. "I better start cooking. Anything in particular you want?"
Eric shook his head and stepped aside. We have a lot pasta left, I noticed as I opened the cabinets. I decided to make some spaghetti for dinner.
After dinner, Eric locked me up in the bedroom. I heard the metal door close. I laid in the bed and she'd a few tears. "I was free," I whispered to myself. I turned to my side. "Sarah must have lifted their spirits when she told somebody that I was still alive. Someone will come to my rescue," I told myself as I curled up I to a ball with the sheets up to my chin. They will come for me, won't they?
I couldn't stay asleep, I would get at least three hours of sleep if I was lucky. I looked through the pitch black room. I heard nails hitting the floor above me. An animal? I heard it barking. Rocky? It can't be. I stood up on the bed and banged on the ceiling. "Peter!" I shouted. It felt so good to say his name out loud. "Peter!"
I heard Rocky scratch the floor above me. Did Rocky run away to come find me?
"Go get Peter!" I told him.
I heard Rocky bark and nails fading away. I laid down smiling, I'm going to get out if here, far away from Eric.

Rocky to the rescue!!!
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