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Alice's POV

Four Years Ago...

I woke up and went to stand when he brought me into his side, "Where are you going, my little rose?"

"For a run." I let out on a sigh. "And I'm not yours."

He ignored my comment, like always, and instead pressed his arousal into my lower back, "And let this go to waste? Come on Bella, give me half hour. It's still early." He whispered into my ear, dragging it out slowly.

I turned over lazily. My wolf wanted to come out, fighting for control. Which is why I was going to run. He didn't know about my wolf. Not a soul did.

And the one thing my monster and I agreed on was keeping it that way. It was easier to hide it from the guys since I moved up North. But lately their calls are getting more frequent, it was about time to go see them again. It's been a few months. I've been back about six times, every few months or so for the last two years.

I ground my hips against him, straddling him, as my wolf receded. She hated him. Hated seeing his hickeys on my neck, hated how he claimed us, even the way he ran his fingers over my skin. She recoiled faster than I could make her. The reason I stuck around him.

 At first she fought, coming to the surface when he was near, now she hides. Goes to the darker side of my brain, where she belongs. The coward.

His hands began to roam my body, as I  lowered myself onto him slowly. As per usual he took control, flipped us over, and buried himself as deep as he could. Over and over. Rough and fast.

Like always.

"Better than a run, little rose?"

"Yes Boss." I said on a moan, his lips cutting me off as they demanded more. His tongue hungry.


An hour later I shifted, my wolf at the front, she was crouched, slowly, quietly moving forward before pouncing, catching the squirrel between her jaws and snapping its neck. Stepping on the tail, she ripped it loose, hurriedly eating the animal before she took off running again.

Stopping at the stream she licked her paws, before apricating in the sunlight.

We would have to be back soon, I had a job to do for him. But for now I would let her be free - to a point.

We had little trust. I had say of when and for how long we shifted, but I tried to let her do what she wanted during that time. It was all she was going to get until she stopped trying to attack Boss and behaved a little more.

She ran back and I shifted before entering the back of my apartment building. I had broken the lock, coming and going as I please. The camera had been painted over when I had moved in, conveniently.

I showered before doing some groceries. It was only four in the afternoon but I had been out all night last night, like usual, not making it back to his place until four or five in the morning, and sleeping until past noon.

Tonight would be late too. The job was a big one. We had been planning it for a few weeks, it had a simple process, but there were many risks.

Not the biggest we've done, but it would bring in quite a bit of cash for all of us.

I let my hair dry as I grabbed a quick meal.

I had just finished eating when my phone rang.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Hey Girl!" Tyson's voice rang out, "We wanted to say hi, make sure everything was good."

"You guys need to stop worrying about me. It's been two years. I'm fine."

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