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Alice's POV

I climbed on the plane and nodded at Chris, who I'd silenced a lab with on a past mission, and Max.

We shook hands and I found a seat.

"How are ya?" Chris asked.

"Good. You?"

He nodded. "Any info?"

I shook my head. "Briefing on the plane was the instructions."

"Same. But they asked for my measurements."

I nodded, "Me too. I guess maybe we're arriving in style."

He pretended to straighten a tie, tilting his chin up and pushing his chest out, "I guess I could be bond for a week."

"Can't always save the world in cargo pants, I guess." I chuckled.

The plane started to take off. This wasn't a lab mission. I'd done four lab missions so far. Two with patients. We only had three people. And they had no idea what the timeline looked like. I had been told it would be about a week, but that could vary.

Peyton hadn't liked that.

I was intrigued.

They'd asked for my measurements for clothes, and council had said I was selected due to my extracurriculars, with no further explanation. Bartending? Fighting? I didn't have many hobbies. But again, intriguing.

Once the plane settled, Max motioned for Chris and I to find a closer seat.

"Okay. We have a loose cannon downtown. Multiple, according to sources. They're causing havoc. We're going to stop this."

Chris looked at me, but I kept my eyes on Max.

"You're going to infiltrate a fight ring to determine how many rogues are wandering around this city and then we're going to remove them, before they are found out."

I wasn't sure if remove them meant bring them to council or kill them, but I'm sure it would become clear.

"Intel?" Chris asked.


"A fight ring?" I asked.

Max nodded, "I heard you were familiar with fighting. And your training would suggest that is correct. We plan on using you, and possibly your name, to get us in. You and Chris figure out how many rogues are running around. We find the best way to silently remove them."

I clenched my jaw, biting my tongue and only letting out, "I think this should've been stated prior to boarding."

Chris looked at me, "Your name?"

"Would that have made a difference?" Max asked, ignoring Chris.

"I could've asked around. Gathered intel, especially if you plan on exploiting that connection anyway, and you're short on info yourself." My tone was firmer than it should've been with Max, as werewolf social norms would say, but I didn't care.

Chris was looking between us confused.

Max sat back, "We figured that was still an option."

"You figured wrong. My connections are in person."

"You don't have their numbers?"

"I don't exactly bring my phone and ID when I go."

"I told council we should tell you in advance but they didn't want any info discussed prior to the plane."

"Because I'm a confidentiality risk?" I asked sarcastically. "I should've been told. It would've helped the mission. Also, this could have risk associated when I return, and it could harm the pack."

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