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I was on the plane headed to some remote place in Nunavut and I couldn't stop thinking about my conversation with Peyton.

I had only ever trusted me.

At least that's what I'd always thought.

But my not trusting Peyton kind of came down to me not trusting myself enough to put myself back together if he left. As he had stated.

But I had always gone on. I had always continued on despite who left, so why was it different if I trusted Peyton and he left?

I had enough money to last a lifetime, or ways to make more if it came to that. I had the motivation and willpower to survive. If he left I could put myself back together. If anything my wolf and I being closer now would make this even easier next time.

So what was stopping me?

Was it that I didn't want this with Peyton? Was it him specifically? Even I had to admit he was better than any guy I'd met. He was confident in who he was, straightforward in what he wanted, could hold his own, was more than easy on the eyes, didn't pressure me to be any different. He didn't even bat an eye at me killing someone. He gave me space and let me be.

If I was honest, there was hardly a thing to hold against him. Maybe all his questions, but he didn't even care if I didn't answer them.

My mind had been spinning in circles since our discussion. I had gone to work last night and as promised slept over in his room, but I had left before he got up. I hadn't spoken to him since we had burgers and corn the other night the only words since then had been during sex.

I was trying to make peace with my wolf. Had Peyton been right when he said his wolf, and he guessed mine, just wanted what was best, and in some situations our mate was what was best? It was hard to say.

Max got our attention and I poured a coffee before we all took our seats.

"Okay, this is Alice. The newest recruit. Alice, this is Owen, Jeff, and Henry."

I nodded to them and we all shook hands.

"Okay. This is a simple mission. We go in, we clear it out. First two days, we stake it out. We need to know how many people are inside. We hit it on the second night. Nobody left remaining. This is a lab, so we'll use arson. Owen, that's your main priority, no evidence left, it goes up in flames once all targets have been silenced." Owen nodded before Max continued, "Jeff, Henry, and Alice, you'll be with me, we're going in, fast and hard. Jeff and Henry as a team, Alice and I as a team. As a rule, I always work with the newbie." He looked to me and I nodded before he went on. "Council thinks there are maybe a dozen in there, possibly two dozen. This place slipped their rader. It's not a new place and we do not have a lot of intel. We need to find every exit and entrance the first two days. Gather as much information as possible. Council isn't giving us much to go on. We have aerial images to study, heat sensors and we'll be doing discreet rounds from a distance. I've looked it over and each of you will in the next two days too, hopefully adding a lot more to it before we move in."

We all nodded.

"Patients?" Jeff asked.

Max shook his head, he looked to me, "Patients meaning captured wolves."

"Got it."

Max continued, "So far there hasn't been anything to suggest patients, but again, the intel is slim, which is why we are taking two days to monitor. Two days and we hit it the second night. If there are patients, we reassess to ensure our plan prioritizes their survival and the least risk to injury. But without patients, everyone silenced, then Owen lights it up."

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