"You're not supposed to smash them together." Sergio laughed.

"I didn't smash them." He was exaggerating.

"Sure," he rolled his eyes.

"I'll make juice." I said.

"Not orange." He grimaced as he said it. I chuckled.

I began making the juice – or trying to. I was trying to juice some apples but I didn't really know how to use the machine. I had been at it for a while before I froze as it made a weird noise and then seemed to stop working. I hit it a little.

"What are you doing?" Sergio asked.

"The thing just..." I drifted sniffing. "What's that smell?"

"Smells like oil... The pan -?!" I turned around and my eyes widened seeing flames.

"I got it!" I ran over with a cloth.

"Alexander, don't –"

I let out a shout as the cloth caught fire and I threw it from my hands. My heart stopped as it fell onto the floor engulfed in flames. Wait. Wooden floor...

I stepped back as water was poured onto the towel before the pan was removed from the stove and thrown into a sink full of water. Sergio shook his head looking at the smoke that filled the kitchen.

"My word... I should have believed you." Sergio whispered running his hands through his hair before I looked at me, "This is the last time I let you near anything flammable." He said seriously.

"Hey, it's your fault." I mumbled.

"You broke the juicer." he pointed at it.

"There were no instructions on it." I said.

He looked at me and began laughing. I chuckled as he pulled me into a hug.

"Get out before you burn this place down." he shoved me into the hall, "I've got breakfast." he shook his head.

I gave him a glare before I knelt down to pick the cloth up but I looked up hearing a gasp.

"I-I would but it's just way too early in our relationship." I tilted my head at Sergio.


"Are you hinting?" I asked deciding to turn his joke back on him.

"No, it's just that I love being with you because of your money and I fear that once we wed it will be harder for me to cheat on you, you know, for the thrill of it."

I stood up frowning and just shook my head at him. His brows rose, "I'll be outside." I muttered walking by him as I pushed the cloth into his arms.

This wasn't usually what I did. When something upset me, I told the person it upset me. I hated when conflicts were dragged out because you had to guess what was wrong with the other person, but this was one thing I didn't want to talk about. I wanted to bury it. I knew he was just joking around but that hit pretty hard. I was sure after a few minutes outside I would head back inside and be able to act like nothing happened and I hoped he would ignore my sudden change in mood and not pry into it.

I walked outside and was reminded that I was barefoot when I felt leaves crack under my feet. Getting shoes now would be too much work. I made my way down to the lake and waved at Mr McCay seeing him outside. He lifted his spade using it to wave back and we both laughed.

Ah, he was never going to let me forget what happened...

I sat down and grinned staring at the water. When I was younger I adamantly believed it had sharks in it, the same went for our pool at the mansion. I used to freak out when my father would just dive in and one day he got me to follow him promising no one would get bitten. I pretty much fell in love with swimming after that. I could count the times I had swum since he died.

The Lord's Favourite Dealer (BoyxBoy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon