Aaron Burr- Alexander Hamilton

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"Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr?" A voice said from behind me.
"That depends on who is asking me." I turned around. A boy with brown hair in a ponytail who was wearing a blue jacket and jeans was awkwardly standing there.
"Oh, you are my student guide, I'm new." He fidgeted.
"What's your name, man?" I asked casually.
"Alexander Hamilton." He replied. He looked nervous. "I just moved here from Rhode Island."
"Rhode Island?"
"Yeah." The hallway was empty. You could hear the other students in the gym. "I'm here to study theatre cause my old school had a terrible theatre program and I didn't like that and this school is arty but I would change the locker color if I was in charge cause that green makes it look like we are in a hospital." I looked around. No one was there. Good.
"Alexander, be careful what you say. You want good grades, right?" I asked.
"Teachers could hear you. Here's how I get their favor:" I paused. "Talk less. Smile more. Got it, Alexander?"
Suddenly, three of the loudest, most obnoxious people in the world went through the gym door: Hercules Mulligan, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette (who goes by Lafayette, which is a relief.), and John Laurens. They were arguing about the cafeteria food.
"Hey, who is this kid?" Hercules asked.
"Alexander Hamilton." Alexander replied. "I'm from Rhode Island."
"That's the small one, right?" Hercules asked him.
"Even I know that, and I'm from France!" Marie-Joseph Pau- I give up. Lafayette replied.
"What are your names?" Alexander asked.
"John Laurens." John piped up.
"Oui, oui, mon ami, jem' appelle Lafayette. I'll tell you my full name later."
"I'm Hercules Mulligan." Hercules said confidently.
"We were heading off to the theatre. Are you here to study theatre?" John asked.
"Yeah! Are you?"
"Yeah! All of us are going to the theatre right about now. You'll meet cool people." John said. Alexander followed them. Bad choice. I thought, and I made my way to the band room, where all the people studying music were meeting. As I walked, I saw a girl heading for the theatre: Eliza Schuyler. I think she saw me. I realized my shirt wasn't fully tucked in. I panicked and ran to the band room. God, Aaron, get a grip! I thought to myself. I held my head down all the way to the music wing. You're really hopeless. I thought to myself, and then I stepped inside.

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