
"Look" Alaster rubbed his head as he turned his head a bit "I know I may... have some sort of Monster fetish, but can we... at least talk this one out?"

"NOOO!" Screamed the woman in pure angered "I'LL RIP YOU APAAAAAAAAAART!!" She launched herself at Alaster, a spear in hand ready to skewer the man. Alaster smirked, jumping up to meet the woman. Alaster ducked under the spear and grabbed the womans head, before turning around and threw her at the warehouse floor.

The monster screamed as she came crashing down to the concrete floor. Snarling, she picked herself up, only for her to meet face to face with a fist, a hammerfist.

Alaster grinned as he smashed his hammerfist into the womans' face, picking her uo once again with his other fist, he brought her up, before smashing his right fist into her again, sending her flying into a wall.

"You, Piece of shit!" Shouted the woman as she fired Acidic milk from her tits at Alaster

"Wha the Fuck!" Shouted Alaster in surprise as he leapt back a bit to avoid the breast acid. He looked at the acid milk on the floor and then back at the woman before pointing a finger at her "Your taking this rape thing too far, shooting people with slimy stuff that can melt clothes off! Your really are such a desperate slut"

"RRAAAAAAHHHH!" She screamed in pure rage as she came charging at him at full speed. Alaster smirked in amusement.



Time slowed. She didnt know what happened. One moment she was charging at him, the next she felt herself disconnected from her body. Her top form has been severed from her lower form. As in he cut a straight line through her and cut her in half.

What happened was while she was charging at him, Alaster used one of his abilities; Time Distortion to slow down time, giving him a chance to dash at her and cut her in half with his Blade.

"You know, you shouldn't have been too hotheaded" Alaster turned around to face the now dying woman "Your own hotheadedness and anger, brought forth your downfall"

He looked at her, a look of hatred on his face.

"I never liked you devils" Alaster spoke, his voice full of hatred "So arrogant in nature. You, as a race, are just full of arrogance, pride and ignorance, not your entire race, but some of you and the noblility. You let Arrogance, your own selfish Pridefullness and Ignorance get in your way. No wonder why you lost, cause you let me, a human with power walk in and you thought of me as a meare human being who couldnt do anything. Well your wrong at that".

It was at this point that alasters eyes have turned black and purple, indicating that he is pissed.

"Devils, Fallen angels, Angels and any other. You fight like little children, always bickering amongst each other, yet you all as a whole, have looked down upon humanity as 'weak', 'helpless', 'inferior' and many other things to describe us. You thought us as a doomed race. That we are destined to destroy ourselves one day, one way or another. But, your right, perhaps we are doomed as a race, but that doesnt mean" Alaster slammed his foot onto the womans back, earning a cry of pain from her "that you can use us, enslave us, break us, toy with us, even. Kill us for your own amusement! You as a whole revel! In the joys of what you can do with us. But I say, no longer. It is time, that humanity rose up and take their place as a force to be reckon with. The pyramid shall be re-arranged, no longer shall we be at the bottom, but we will now stand along with the supernatural and even reach the top! Well not exactly at the too, that space was reserve for the gods, but yeah. I hate you all, except for youkai of course, but the top three, I hate the most".

He lifted his foot off of the dying woman.

"I may be cruel to you... but I am kind, and which is why I am offering you a gift"

"W-w-what" said the woman

"You. Have much potential as a powerful devil but you let power, lust and the hunger for blood and gore, cloud your mind, which is why I shall give you a gift. In exchange for this power, you will serve me. For. Enternity. Till the day I die. Which is never!" Alaster offered the woman, whilst saying that last part in his head.

The dying woman struggled to look up. A look of shock and disbelief was on her face.

"W-w-why?" She asked him "why offer me a place by your side, havent you heard of the things I did or who I truly am"

"Like I said" Alaster knelt down mext to her and stroked her hair. "You have much potential, yet you let bad things happen to you. Now, do you accept... or not?"


"....... I.... Accept"

Alaster nodded, before placing his hand on her back. He then pumped healing energy into her, the energy getting to work on healing and regenerating her lost limbs, the only differance, hes giving her two legs instead of four. Not only was he fixing her up but also giving her a new power. Animal Mimicry. With this she can assume the for of any animal whether it is a frog to a lion and can also combine her chimera form or herself with differant animal parts. E.g she can form a crab arm as a basic move. For her chimera form she can form both a lion's body and have wolf claws at the same time. This new ability would go perfect with her.

"What is your name?"


"For now on, Viser, you serve me now. Also" his hand began to glowed and as it did, a small chess piece came out of her back. A pawn.

"Consider yourself no longer a Devil. Sorta"

That was the last thing she heard before she fainted into unconsciousness.

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