'How was cleaning' i asked her. She needs to clean the bathrooms as her "job". Like i said i like being at the garden all the other jobs are not fun at all.

'Fine how was gardening old lady' she joked.

'Fine, actually very relaxing'

'I can imagine' she said and we ate lunch. Well if you can call it that way. It's just crap actually if i could cook i cooked better crap than this whatever this is.

'In all these years the food never got better' Jamie said.

'Like you read my mind'

'Amen to that' Lucia Dana said. And we toasted to the horrible food in this place.

I walked true the hallways back to my bunk when some of the weard girls walked there too. Our shoulders bumped and obvious they were doing it on purpose. 'Watch it crazy pants' one of them said.

'Crazy pants really litterly no one calls me that' i said to the three girls.

'Well now someone does and watch where you walk'

'Sheila, this aren't your hallways this isn't highschool. No it's fucking prison so grow up alright'

'Did you just ordered me to grow up or something'

'You are making a thing about this'

'No i'm not i just want to go to my bunk'

'So i'm not important enough alright thats it hold my things' she said to her friend and stands across from me like she wants to slap me in the face. What is her deal.

'Alright now take it easy i don't want to make a fight about like nothing'

'You think you are better then us aren't you, working in the garden, meeting up with these black people someone like you shouldn't meet with them'

'Them serious, don't call them like that'

'What are you going to do about it'

'Nothing cause i will walk away now' i said and walked past them but that was not what they had in mind at all. She grabbed my wrist and pushed me against the wall. She grabbed my hair and banged my head against the stones. 'Inmate, let her go now' the guard said and they jumped on Sheila. I fell to the ground with this huge headache.

The guard helped me up and walked me to the infarmary. 'Nurse take care of her wounds and inmate this is a shot for you'.

'Shot really, i didn't do anything i got attacked not the other way around' i snapped at the guard. 'Do you want another one?'.

'No i'm good thanks' i said with a lot of sarcasm.

'What happened dear' the nurse asked me worried.

'This girl has a pick on me and pushed my head against the wall'

'Well i'm sure she will be punished for her deeds'

'I do hope so' i said while she treated my wounds.

'So will you tell me what happened' mister Conrad my counselor asked me.

'This girl came at me acusing me of horrible things. She thought i was needy. That i worked in the garden and that i hang out with Lucia just because the colour of her skin. And that really touched me but i didn't want to fight cause i know what will happen. So i wanted to walk away i really did'.

'But she wouldn't want that did she' he said.

I nodded that he was right. 'She grabbed me at my wrist and pushed my head really hard against the wall'.

'And you did nothing, i'm really proud of you Alexandra' he said.

'Conrad i've told you this a dozen times, call me Alex please but thanks mister'

'You should be thankful you weren't like this when you came in you've come a long way Alex'

'Thank you mister and it wasn't easy i tell you that'

'I know that dear, you were hard to talk to about your personal stuff and stuborn'

'Very stuborn i wouldn't tell anybody anything while you all knew all along what was going on with me. You all had my file' he nodded to this.

'So anything i should know about'

'I did get a shot of this stupid guard'

'I know don't worry about it it's taken care of'

'Thank you mister conrad' i said and made myself ready to leave and go to my bunk.

'Oh and before i forget, congratulations you're getting an early release' he said and i couldn't believe my ears.

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