CHAPTER 30!!!! Luke is Not Athletic

Depuis le début

"You're still touring? Even though you're pregnant?"

"I'm not even showing yet Ashton! Calm down!" I laughed.

"Sorry. Bye Lexi."

"Bye Ash."

I hung up, but continued walking along the water for a few more minutes. I was thinking, about everything. Just recently I was a nobody that thought I was texting another nobody names Michael. Then, somehow, I met the guys in person. And now I'm here. I sighed. I've been doing a lot of that in the past few minutes.

A few minutes later, I approached the guys and Maddie.

"Hey Lex! You okay?" Maddie asked. She had seen me first, after missing a pass from Luke.

"Yeah I'm fine. What's the score?"

"It's actually tied right now. Jump right in." Maddie grinned.

"Huddle up bros!" Luke exclaimed, motioning to Maddie and I.

I laughed as I walked over to him. "Bros is not a thing."

"Yeah it is, bro. Fight me."

Without thinking I barreled into him, plummeting us both down into the sand.

"Oof!" The wind was knocked out of me. He was lying with his back touching the sand, and I was on lying on top of him with my back to the sky. I chuckled nervously, just realizing how intimate our position was. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Luke. I don't know, I didn't mean for this to happen..." I got up, and pulled Luke up after me.

"It's fine Lex. Use that aggressiveness to beat Michael and Calum!" Luke laughed. He was blushing, and refused to meet my eyes.

"Okay let's go!"

We returned to the game. I was quarterback, and I threw the winning pass to Luke. My pass was awful, but he had a lucky catch.

"You suck! That was just a lucky catch!" Michael complained after we had finished celebrating.

"Shut up Mike! I'm athletic!" Luke whined.

We all laughed. "

"It's okay to be lucky, Luke." Calum said.

"Guys it's not luck! I swear I'm athletic I played soccer for two years!" Luke whined, again. He looked so cute even though he was trying really hard to be mad at us.

"Okay, Luke. You're right, you're athletic." I tried to hide my smile.

"Geez! Alexia is the only one that isn't blind. Do you guys wanna leave and shop for glasses?"

"Shut up Luke." Michael tackled him to the ground.

Wow, I love these boys.


"Are you sure we're gonna need that much cheese?" Michael exclaimed.

"Yes, trust me!"

We were all at Maddie's apartment making tacos for dinner. Maddie and Calum were in charge of chicken. Luke had went out to buy sour cream and was now setting the dining room table. Michael and I were currently in the kitchen pouring the cheese into a bowl. I had already cut the lettuce and tomatoes, and put those into bowls.

"Are we done?" Michael asked.

"Yup! Now we just have to wait for the chicken." I replied.

We sat down at the table together and talked and laughed. Hanging out with Michael alone felt really good.

"Remember when we started texting in the way beginning?"

"Oh my god, yes. We've come a LONG way." Michael laughed.

"Yeah we really have." I sighed. "It's crazy. My life just spiraled out of control."

"You haven't even experienced crazy yet." Michael scoffed. "Try getting mobbed by screaming girls all the time... yeah, I love the fans and I know that we would still be nobodies in a garage without them. Sometimes it feels like I have no privacy though."

I nodded. "Well, I doubt I'll ever be that famous, even with the success of my song."

"You never know. Are you excited to start touring with us?"

I laughed. "Am I excited? No, I'm way beyond excited. And nervous."

Michael nodded. "You'll be fine."

I smiled. "The countdown begins!"


thanks for reading! this was a pretty long chapter, plz vote because of my hard work!!!!

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