Yandere!Makoto Sunakawa (My Love Story) - Growing Up

Start from the beginning

By the time I left his place to head back home, any homework I had would be either half done or completely finished, Suna checking over my answers to see if something needed to be corrected. Not that he did the work for me but he did help me figure out how to find the correct answers on my own.

Of course, spending all this time with him had me constantly reassuring the other students that no, I was not Suna's girlfriend, just a friend. It got worse in middle school for a while, stopping at the same time he became more protective around me. I didn't mind. As long as we were friends, it was worth putting up with him acting like a mother hen protecting its chick.


In high school things started to change. I noticed how, ever since the incident where they helped that girl on the train, Gouda kept dragging Suna along on his meetings with the girl, often leaving me on my own without really thinking about it.

I could understand, what with this being the first time a girl has shown an active interest in him as a guy, but I wish he would understand that she was interested in him and not Suna. Or that Suna would say something to him, not very likely since Gouda was his best friend, even before I came along.

In the long run, it left me pretty bored and lonely, finally realizing just how much my world had centered around the two boys, especially Suna. Of course, it didn't bother me too much until the day he missed one of our study sessions, something that had never happened before.

That is when I realized that our small group had finally changed, leaving me behind. Maybe it was time to make my own change, find some new ways to fill my days and maybe make a new friend or two.


I couldn't stop coughing as I kneeled down in front of the burning building, gray soot from the smoke left on my face and clothing. All I could do was think about how silly I felt for going with that girl when she had mentioned meeting some friends for a goukon where they had food to enjoy while they talked.

Having wanted to make some new friends, I had gone along, regretting it immediately when I saw Gouda and his girlfriend show up with Suna in tow. I had tried to ignore the looks I received from my childhood friends as they sat at a nearby table but soon had to leave, entering into the bathroom as I splashed water on my face before wiping the makeup from my face and shaking my head at my own foolishness.

Why was I letting his appearance bother me so much? If not for Gouda... No, if not for Takao, I would likely have died in the fire. It was his bravery that saved me, spotting me nearby when he went to grab one of the girls that had been caught inside with me by the fire. He had pulled me out with her before heading back inside for the other girl, leaving me coughing and gasping for breath as I knelt a bit away from the rest of the group of students and the strangers that lined the street.

"(y/n)-chan, what are you doing here?" Suna's worried voice startled me, shaking almost as much as the hand that he placed on my shoulder.

I was too dizzy and confused by this point to even think of carefully selecting my words, bluntly stating my reasons for going to such a place pretty much alone.

"I was lonely, Suna. You and Takao had left me and I was lonely. I just wanted to make a new friend... Was that so greedy a thing to want, that something like this happened instead?" Tears began to roll down my face, leaving a clear path in the blackened grime the smoke had left on my face.

I never noticed the look of guilt that appeared on his face with my words, quickly vanishing as it was replaced by determination instead.


From that day of the fire onwards, I found myself invited along everywhere Suna went, be it him following along with Takao and his girlfriend or just Suna by himself. Hardly a day went by that I was not found in the company of Suna.

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