"Well we all know Camilas a little empty in the head"i replied

"Yeah thats why she was your best friend"

"Yeah i was a bit wacky too Cammie got me out of that mess though"

"Hey my wifes not a mess"

"She is if she married you"i said jokingly

"Hey"he said begining to get offended

"Its all a joke bro im happy for you im ready to be the best aunt ever to that cutie"

"Thank you"

"And ill always love you no matter how dumb you become,im kidding i love you"i said hugging my younger brother

"I missed you alot"

"I know,i missed you too"

"Are we going down to breakfast or did you eat already?" the brown eyes said smirking

"Actually no i didnt eat just like you"

"Oh cmon "

"I dont wanna hear it lets just go"


I had to confront Lauren, i needed to talk to her it had been so long i knew it wouldnt be easy but i was hoping things had changed since she left

I walked down the stairs and prepared myself to see Lauren with her friend Cammie but i just found the two siblings eating Ryan in a suit which shocked me since i thought he wouldnt go to work knowing his sister was here

"Good morning"

"Goodmorning baby i actually have to get going"the older man said kissing my forhead

"Are you coming out early?"

"Yes actually ill be home a bit after lunch but don't worry Lauren and Cammie will take care of you while mom goes shopping"

"Oh so Mrs.Clara isnt going to be here either?"

"No,she had some commitment and not knowing Lauren would come she wasnt able to cancel"

"Ill go with mom"Lauren said

"Well she kind of left already"


"Yeah,i have to go have fun"

"We will" i said sitting down on the table looking at the plate of vegetables and another of eggs and pancakes

We ate in silence and honestly i didnt want the silence to end.I coyld tell she was uncomfortable.


"Goodmorning"the blonde interrupted

"Goodmorning Cam"

"Howd you sleep"i interjected

"Pretty good a bit chilly and you?"

"Well with my tummy not as well as i used to but still well"i replied to the green eyes

Her eyes werent as green as Laurens.Laurens were an emerald green.A green you never forget.The intensity of her eyes get to you in every way.Cammies were soft with a tint of grey and blue.Nowhere as mesmorizing as Laurens,well at least not to me.

For the rest of the breakfast.I chimmed in as Lauren and Cammie talked.I hated the way Cammie looked at Lauren.She looked at her as if she owned a part of her.It was hard not to stare at Lauren as i caught myself doing the same but a part of me was jealous even though i knew i had no right to be.

Colour Me Green (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now