Tagged Questions

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So I was tagged for this thing by BreadstickLuke1996

Tag 13 people
Tag the person who tagged you
Answer every one of the questions
Write the rules

1) Fav from 5SOS?

A: Calum, currently, though it's slightly awkward because when I went to see them last year my mom said she thought he was the cutest one (she has good taste though).

2) McDonald's or KFC?

A: McDonalds. I haven't had KFC since I went to the beach when I was like 6.

3) What's your highest streak on Snapchat?

A: 30 days at the moment. I'm not very good at maintaining it most of the time.

4) What's the last photo you've taken?

A: It's from a "complete the story" book. Feel free to try it out if you like.

 Feel free to try it out if you like

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5) Muke or Cake?

A: My phone auto-corrects Muke to MUKE so I think that answers the question (though TBH I'm more Malum at this point)

6) Who needs to pee right now? I know I do.

A: Uhhhhhhhhhh

7) Who's your internet bestie? (2 at most)

A: hushemmo (I miss you, Ri).

8) What's your favorite 5SOS song at the moment?

A: Ughhhh I can never pick this. I'll say Catch Fire (I'm praying they'll put it back on the set list for my show).

9) Barbie or My Little Pony?

A: Neither?

10) Favorite color?

A: Probably green or purple, since my hair is purple.

11) Have you listened to Adele's "Send My Love"?

A: Of course.

12) Do you like it? (referring to question 11)

A: Yeah, I've liked Adele for a while now. "Someone Like You" was my go-to karaoke song when I was younger (though it still sort of is).

13) How are you today?

A: Okay. It's almost noon and I haven't gotten out of bed yet so that's good for me.

I wanted to do this in my rant book instead of I Hate This Band because some of this is vaguely personal, so if the people I tag don't want to do it that's fine.

Here are my questions:

1) Have you seen 5SOS live?

2) How many books are in your drafts?

3) When and why did you start Wattpad?

4) Do you write or read more?

5) Malum or Muke?

6) Cashton or Lashton?

7) When is your birthday?

8) When did you join the 5SOS fam?

9) Do you have a Twitter? (feel free to advertise it)

10) Do you have any non-internet friends who like 5SOS?

11) Who is your favorite boy?

12) Any non-5SOS celebrity crushes?

13) Did you enjoy doing this tag?

I tag:


You don't need to do this if you don't want to, I just haven't done a tag in a while so I decided I wanted to. Have fun with this if you do it!

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