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So you know how I ranted about my friend before, the one who was freaking out because her girlfriend said she didn't love her?

Well they ended up getting together again.

And she will not stop talking about it.

If I text her a certain emoji, she'll start freaking out and be like "oMG (girlfriend's name here) ALWAYS USES THAT EMOJI"

It's a little annoying.

Like yes, I understand she's excited about being in a relationship with this girl, especially since she has a lot of shit going on in her life so it distracts her from that. And I'm not bitter or thinking I've been friend zoned or anything (I get kind of annoyed by that term, really), I would just sort of like her to be a little less overexcited about it when around me...

I've told her before that I'm not really looking for a relationship, and if I was, it would sort of be more like a "cuddle and watch TV" relationship than a "making out every chance we get" relationship. I think that's just how I am, but I don't really know, because I've never been in a legit relationship before.

I might just be overreacting a little bit. I get kind of annoyed when it comes to relationship-talk. Me and my friends are 14 and 15 years old, freshmen in high school. I don't really think relationships are needed this early. Again, I'd be cool with just a friend to cuddle with or something, but more than that just sort of seems like early heartbreak to me.

That's just how I feel about all this, though.


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