back to school

28 4 16

I am so not ready for school to start.

And it starts up again this Thursday (in less than 2 days).

Why does is start on a fucking Thursday, you ask?

The way my school works is that we have classes every other day. Four classes one day, the other four classes the next, back and forth, back and forth. The first two days of school (Thursday and Friday) are half days, so the classes are WAY shorter and basically just there so the teachers can give us their syllabuses and have us introduce ourselves to them. 

Overall, I guess I'm a little excited. But I'm more excited about the social aspect than the academic. I think that's how a lot of people view school and the first few days of it.

I'm not very good at communicating with people outside of school, apart from a choice few number of friends. I'm excited to see *some* of the people I haven't talked to since June, but the whole idea of homework and summer projects and everything is freaking me out.

For example, school hasn't even started yet and I'm pretty much already failing Honors Algebra II. 

At my school, you typically go from Algebra I to Geometry to Algebra II. It's kind of weird, but I think that's how it is a lot of places. My teacher gave everyone in my class a packet at the end of the school year. It has like 40 algebra problems on it, some of which consist of things I did not learn in 8th grade because my algebra teacher kind of sucked (still have no idea how I managed to get into Honors Geometry as a freshman). And I just recently reread the letter attached to the beginning of the packet. 

I'm going to have a test on the kind of stuff that was on the packet within the first couple of classes.

I'm having mental breakdowns over school before it's even started. 

So yeah, basically, I'm not mentally prepared for the four Honors courses I'm taking first semester (second semester I have five, but the fifth is just Honors Chamber Choir so it just means a weighted grade to bring my GPA up some), along with yet another science class that I'm probably going to fail.

Luckily, I got the nicer of the two Chemistry teachers, plus I'm not taking Honors Chem, so I don't have to do the fuCKING SCIENCE FAIR AGAIN.

Okay, I'm going to try to avoid having an anxiety attack over all of this now. Wish me luck with...everything.


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