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I am incredibly worried about my friend.

She and I have been texting over the past half an hour, and she's basically having a breakdown.

The girl she was dating told her that she doesn't love her, and it's devastating her, plus she's got a shit load of problems at home and some mental issues, and I'm so incredibly worried about her right now.

I don't want her trying anything, first of all.

Second, I like her a bit.

She's a really good friend of mine (though in that weird sense of on and off, occasionally making fun of each other kind of way) and I worry about her all the time and I just want to drive to her house and give her a hug right now, but I can't and I have no way of seeing her and hugging her and trying to help her until tomorrow and I'm so worried about her.

I want her to be safe and okay, but I don't know what I'm supposed to say to her to comfort her and make her feel better and know that everything is going to be okay. She keeps apologizing to me about venting and freaking out, but I want her to know I honestly don't care that she's telling me the truth and letting all this out. I know that you can't keep everything to yourself all the time, that keeping things bottled up inside isn't fun and isn't good for you. That's why I'm writing in here.

The thing that's hurting me a lot, though, is the fact that she's also saying she wants someone to just like her as more than a friend, and I want to say something, but I'm scared to, since she came to me about all this in the first place. She knows that I'm bisexual.

Oh yeah, by the way, I'm bi.

I just hope I can help her to see that she's going to be okay and that there are people who care about her in the world.


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