spanish class

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Okay, so at my school (like at many other schools), everyone has to take at least two years of a second language. I obviously have English as my first, so I decided on Spanish, since I was forced to "learn" it for about six years before I got into high school and I thought "why bother trying to start on a new one like French or Chinese or Latin when I can just go over stuff I've already learned?"

And I love my Spanish class.

Mostly because of my teacher.

While I hate my Biology teacher with a passion, I freaking LOVE my Spanish teacher. I'll call her Mrs. N.

So we do this thing called Duolingo for Spanish class where you complete these exercises and each exercise completed gives you 10 XP. We have to do 60 XP a week, and we started out with this program in about October.

I completed every single activity by the end of Midterms in January and I currently have about 9500 total XP.

Because of this, Mrs. N calls me "the Duolingo Queen".

Also because of this, everyone in my Spanish class thinks I'm basically fluent in Spanish now.

And, for clarification, I am DEFINITELY NOT FLUENT IN SPANISH

However, I am still fairly good at it and I've gotten an A+ in Spanish all three quarters so far this year and I'm aiming for another one fourth quarter. So, because of my apparent awesomeness at this language, people tend to ask me about the homework, or other things in Spanish.

So flash forward to today: now that it's nearing the end of the school year, Mrs. N is having us speak Spanish as best as we can in class for participation points. This has led to a whole lot of really bad, really broken Spanish.

My friend was struggling very obviously to ask a question today and I was questioning her about it, then she replied with "Me tryo".



I'm fairly sure that would be "yo trato" or just "trato", but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

I know I'm sort of making this out to be an annoying class, but it's so hilarious and awesome, and whenever we're waiting for Mrs. N to come to class now, we go up and draw unicorns on the whiteboard that she refuses to erase until the end of class even if they're the crappiest unicorn drawings ever.

It's just so funny, especially when someone asks Mrs. N a question and she just sort of looks over at me with this exasperated look and I nod understandingly.

I'm really going to miss having her next year.

But the good news is that I'll probably have her as a Junior, so wish me luck with Honors Spanish II next year :)


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