parent teacher conferences

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So I'm choosing not to rant about the shit decision my country made yesterday since I'm too annoyed about that for words.

Instead I'm going to talk about the really weirdly surprising shit my parents told me after coming home from parent teacher conferences tonight.

1) I'm my music teacher's favorite student.

She actually greeted my parents by saying "It's the parents of my favorite student!" before the parents that had just finished were out the door

I have a new music teacher this year, btw. She's from Bosnia and she fucking loves me. She's helping me figure out an audition for Acapella Academy (google it) and she has me write emails for her/proofread them for her. I literally wrote an email to the entire school today telling everyone when auditions for the new show choir are going to take place.

2) I should take AP Chemistry and become an engineer.

I honestly find this one hilarious based on the fact that I kind of despise sciences. I hated my biology teacher last year (check out previous rants for more info) and he's the reason that my chemistry class is my only non-honors class this year. However, my current teacher thinks that I'm really good at chem (in my opinion it's just the math stuff like conversions that I'm good at) and she sees that I'm creative but good at chem so she thinks I should be an engineer. 

We'll see how I do on my midterm in two months time.

3) I write with college-level Spanish.

Yeah, this one got me. 

Spanish was actually my highest grade this past quarter (not including choir and music theory, which are literally impossible to fail), despite the fact that my teacher is from Puerto Rico and speaks in rapid-fire Spanish for the majority of every class. According to my parents, my Spanish teacher thinks that I should be a writer some day since I write so well in Spanish (I say as I've been writing on Wattpad for two and a half years). The idea of a teacher who teaches a language that I'm not fluent in saying that I should be a writer is really encouraging actually. I feel really happy with this, even though I have no clue how I have the ability to write college-level Spanish.

4) All of my teachers fucking love me.

In case the past three points didn't give you a hint, I'll just straight up say it.

All of my teachers praised me in some way, saying that I'm doing great and if I was doing a little badly in any classes, I was sort of excused for it because of my involvement in the school musical (which ended this past weekend and I want to cry thinking that). The three teachers previously mentioned gave the most praise and it honestly makes me feel so confident with things right now. 

Especially since I have a Spanish presentation and a Chemistry test tomorrow. 

Anyway, that's basically all the weird/awesome stuff my parents shared with me. Hope you enjoyed. Pray that I don't completely fail any of my subjects now that I've said all of this.


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