audition anxiety

22 4 1

Okay, so I'm going to rant about this even though this technically happened like a week ago.

Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I personally find auditions to be the worst part of the acting/singing/performing process. It's awful. I get nervous and anxious and I get freaked out that I'll mess up, and then because I'm so stressed about it, I do end up messing up.

Last Thursday, I had my singing audition for my school play next year. The show is going to be The Little Mermaid, so we were supposed to sing a Disney song for the audition. I didn't know this until about five days before the audition.

So, naturally, I had a panic attack.

I think that I sang very well in the audition itself, though. I managed to prepare a song and get the sheet music for it and everything, but the time leading up to that was incredibly stressful. Even worse, though, was last Saturday.

Saturday was the three-hour dance audition. Everyone trying out for the show has to do a dance audition, though the singing audition isn't required. I, personally, kind of despise choreographed dancing, having had eight years of lessons where absolutely no one in my classes liked me or ever wanted to partner with me on warmups. Overall, I'm not terrible, but I can't learn two complicated dances to completely different songs within two hours and then perform them in the third without some sort of leadership. I blank out, even in a group.

And when I was doing the dance audition with nine other people at the same time, ALL of us blanked out on one of the dances.

Which was fantastic.

So basically we pretended to tap dance for about sixteen bars, occasionally remembering the actual dance but overall basically failing.

And now I'm stuck in the ABSOLUTE WORST PART of the auditioning process: the wait.

I don't know when exactly the roles will be announced. Apparently they'll be up by June 1 (a little less than a week from now), but I'm praying they'll come out sooner, like tomorrow afternoon or even this weekend. I'm so anxious to know who's who and what's going on with all of it. My director is notorious for her "visions", so I want to know where I am in her overall vision for this show.

I've probably bored you with my theater talk, but I'll go away now. I'll probably end up updating you on what my role is when the roles are announced. I don't know who/what I'll be, but wish me luck anyway!


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