happy pain

23 5 0

I've realized that I have some of the sweetest friends on the planet.

I got my bottom wisdom teeth out this morning (it wasn't quite as bad as I had expected, since I kept my eyes closed the whole time and just sort of relaxed), and most of my friends sent me some sort of text before they went to school or afterwards wishing me luck or asking me how I am. I just find it so incredibly sweet that they care about me like that, and one of my friends actually said to me that she missed me at school tomorrow, and that she's going to miss me tomorrow, too.

Like AWWW!

I also wrote this to update you guys with the fact that I'm alright when it comes to my teeth. My jaw is aching a bit still, but my mom said the first 24 hours are the worst of it. I should be feeling better by tomorrow. Also, they gave me so much novocaine for my mouth that my tongue and lower lip are still partially numb.

That should wear off soon...

Anyway, I get plenty of ice cream over the next few days, so that's good.


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