summer break

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I'm finally out of school, guys!

*airhorns *

Somehow I managed to make it through my freshman year of high school (a Facebook status that my 30-year-old cousin was not particularly happy with) which means I now get to have two and a half months to prepare for sophomore year.

You think I'm kidding?


Between 2 summer reading books, a project that I have to prepare DURING THE SUMMER about those two books, and a shit ton of math problems I have to learn for Honors Algebra II next year, I'm going to be pretty damn busy.

Plus I'm volunteering to be a counselor at a bible camp at my old school, and I'm doing two weeks of a novel writing camp (for myself, not as a counselor) in late July.

*eye twitches slightly*

I'm excited though. Today I got the ends of my hair dyed purple (look at the picture), tomorrow I'm going to see Fiddler on the Roof on Broadway with my family, and Sunday night is the Tonys (which I am way too excited for). The rest of June should be interesting, and hopefully this summer doesn't go by too fast. While I'm excite for certain things in my sophomore year, there are a lot of academic things that I can wait on for a while.

So yeah. Just a general life update. There you go.


I completely forgot I'm going to see 5SOS again July 1 (less than a month away!)!

And I still don't have anyone to go with me 😫😫

Help me


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