life updates

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Hi everyone.

Lol I'm only starting this like that because I feel like I've been sucking at updating everything on this account except for Daylight recently (btw check that out if you haven't, I update it every Monday).

Anyway, life stuff.

I've actually been pretty good recently.

School is stressful as hell, which I've been warned about for the past three years leading up to my sophomore year of high school, because at my school, this is basically the most difficult year. Which I will definitely agree with because last week I had a project that I had to present in my Spanish class IN SPANISH and a quiz in the same class on the same day.

Funnily enough, I think I actually did pretty well on both of them, though.

I'm handling things a lot better than I did last year for sure. I'm spending more time on my homework, not leaving all of it to the last minute, I'm paying better attention in classes, I'm starting to participate a little more (depending on the class, of course) and I'm just feeling pretty okay about things overall.

I've been trying really hard to be positive about things recently, though I only really picked up on it a couple of days ago. I think I'm starting to figure out that if I'm negative and bummed out all the time, the people around me will be too, and that isn't good for anyone. So I'm trying to be a positive force :)

I'm also being sucked into friendship drama already, but I'm trying not to get quite as intensely involved as I did last year (you know, since I got to the point where I was having anxiety attacks over other people's problems). I'm just giving advice and offering help where I can give it, but overall I'm not trying to butt into things I have no business butting into.

Another subject change: I have way too many ideas for writing and shit. I liked my idea for Daylight so much that I'm turning what I have written so far (that includes what's published and what isn't because I'm currently working on chapter 8) into a TV show.

I know it seems kind of stupid, but I'm starting to get legitimate ideas with what I might want to do with my life, and if I can have some sort of part in the television/movie industry, whether it be writing, directing, or some other aspect of it, it would be incredible.

And I have Supernatural to thank for getting me as into it as I am. Because, let's be real, there are so many different aspects to television production, and from the millions of different Supernatural-related things I've watched within the past 2 and a half months, I've gotten really interested in all of them.

Knowing me, the stuff I'm currently investing my time in is probably going to be completely different within the next 2 to 3 months, but right now I'm feeling confident with my writing, with my schoolwork, with my friends, and with myself. Oh yeah, I've taken some bomb selfies recently (follow me on snapchat: cathy_mac8 and tell me if you've added me so I can add you back). An example is at the beginning of this chapter.

Alright, that's all for now. Thanks for reading, friends :))))


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