"Okay fine. When do we leave?"

"Soon we only have a little bit of time." Chewie groweled from his place beside me. He was as anxious, if even more so, to get him back.

"Then let's waste no time." With that, everyone went to there respective posts, though Leia stayed behind.

"Nevaeh... I know you already don't care for your play in the mission... but we have to make you look the part." I already knew what she ment. I buried my head in my hands and groaned.

"Han is never going to hear the end of this whenever we find him." I grumpled, Leia gave a shake of her head and ushered me to follow her, leaving me dreading most every step.

Not long after I was actually laughing a little as Leia pulled my hair back as she told me different stories from her younger years. Apparently her mother and aunts were always trying to make her act like a proper lady, but their attempts were in vain as Leia's tomboy attitude normally won out. And considering she was Padme's daughter, and not to mention Anakin's as well, it didn't really surprise me. And despite the clothes that I was given, a skin tight sleeveless red dress that I was thankful was a just a little longer then mid-thigh, and despite the fact I had demanded I wear the dark brown jacket I always did, I kinda had abit of fun. During these last month's of searching for Han me and Leia had become friends, not as close of friends as me and Zoe or me and Luke, but eh. I couldn't ask for a miracle. Once my little transformation was complete, like clockwork, a knock sounded at the door.

"We are about to land you girls done in there?" It was Luke, Leia answered his question by opening the door and walking back to the controls. She didn't leave without giving him a greeting, but he didn't reply given he looked completely flabbergasted. I unconsciously pulled my jacket tighter around me in an attempt to hide myself, it was my alternative to digging a hole to crawl in and die. Luke quickly had recovered and cleared his throat, a light blush dawning his cheeks. "Uh.. you look-"

"You dare finish that sentence with 'nice' you, my fist, and the floor will become very acquainted with each other." I threatened, my voice flat, though I was partially joking Luke knows I would have done exactly that had he said that. He laughed a little and shook his head.

"No no no, I'm not stupid. I was going to say uncomfortable. You look uncomfortable." I laughed because he was absolutely right.

"Ugh, some people are just kungs I swear. I swear this better work or its going to be a bad day for whoever this target is."

"Wow, you really don't like that dress huh?" I nearly face palmed.

"Its not just that Luke. It's just so.. ugh! Why did it have to be some scumbag of a smuggler to be the one who might know where Han is? And why? Why of all affiliations this guy had to have was with Jabba the Hutt? If anything that's worse!" I ranted, Luke gave a shake of his head.

"Don't worry milady, if things go south I'll be right there." I small smile came to my lips at the use of my nickname. He hadn't used it much since everything that had happened on Bespin. It felt nice to hear it again.

"Well Farmboy, I'm thankful for the help." He gave a small side ways smile, but then it faltered. He looked down at the floor, as if he were refusing to look me in the eye.

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