I'm a Vampire, So What?

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  • Dedicated to Tara Wine

She dropped the basket of flowers.  I said, “Here we go again.  This is getting old.  I’m going to have to make a recording.  I will not hurt you, I did not kill Jack, and no, I am not human.  Anything else?”

            I went over and picked up the spilled flowers.  I sighed and said, “Come on.  Let’s get you home.”

            We led her to a home in the middle of the woods.  It was gorgeous and creepy at the same time.  It was a black mansion.  There was an iron fence around it.

            Mrs. Wine had regained focus and was leading the way.  The steps creaked.  The porch seemed to be a wraparound.  The door opened up into a large room with many doors and a grand staircase. 

            Aunt Claire’s mansion had been more boarding style.  It was boring compared to this.  I stared with an open mouth.

            Mrs. Wine accidentally ran into a lamp.  She said, “Oh fiddle sticks!  Sometimes I wish I could see in the dark.”

            I asked, “Is it really that dark in here?”

            “Yes, I can’t see my hand and its right in front of my face.”

            Everything went bright and my eyes quickly adjusted.  She led us through a door which entered a long hallway.  The walls were black but not hauntingly.  They were welcoming and beautiful.  The hallway ended at a gate.  The gate creaked as it opened.  We stepped into a room that seemed to be a darkened plant nursery.

            There was a table and chairs in a corner.  She set the flowers town and sat in a chair.  A servant came and poured a glass of wine.

            Mrs. Wine said, “Give them some, too.”

            “But, madam, they’re minors.”

            “It’s alright.”  The servant poured some wine for us and left.  “It’s alright because I doubt your systems could handle it.”

            I smiled.  I said, “My system handles alcohol just fine.  As long as it isn’t in your system if I drink your blood, it won’t even affect me.  When I do, I can get wild.”

            Mike said, “I like it when you’re wild.”

            Mrs. Wine said, “Apparently teenage hormones are still there.”

            “Yep.  Only if drama starts, the fights can be a bit nastier.”

          I took a sip and it wasn’t bad.  I liked Aunt Claire’s blood wine better, though.  Mike made a face and set it aside.  I asked, “If you don’t mind me asking, why aren’t you running around like a terrified chicken or screaming accusations at us?”

            “I don’t know.  You just don’t seem murderous…”

            Mike said, “That’s what they all say.”

            “You did on the tape.  That’s why I didn’t recognize you right off.”

            “You smell sick, but you don’t look like it.  Doesn’t she, Mike?”


            She blushed.  “I have a disease.  My past caught up with me.”

            “How’s that?”

            “Well, I quit school when I was fifteen.  I was taking a short cut through an alley.  There was a gang near the middle.  I started to run but a woman stepped away from the crowd.  She seemed so nice.  She’d asked, ‘What are you doing here?  Why aren’t you in school?’

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