"It changed me for the good okay little bro"

"I might be younger than you but i can definitely kick your butt now"he said laughing

"We will see about that Ryan"

"Kids stop it"

"Mom we arent kids anymore"Ryan added

"Youll always be my kids,i missed you guys so much"

"Mom i live here"

"Yeah well i missed us together things havent been the same"

"Yeah Lauren the house feels complete with you here"

"I missed you guys alot too"

"Why dont you stay Lauren"

"I have work mom i cant leave everything behind again"i said looking at Cammie whose facial expressions changed.I gripped her hand under the table to assure her.

"Im sure Ryan can work something out mija".

"I mean everything is going great Lauren im sure Cammie could step up and take your role"i felt Cammies grip tighten on my hand

"I know but i have everything in New York i cant do that not now"

"Pero mija"

"Mom maybe some other time we can talk and ill think about it"

"Thanks for the food Mrs.Jauregui"Camden added ready to leave the table

"Call me Clara mija a friend of my kids is a friend of mine"

"Thank you,in really tired and kind of jet lagged im going to rest"

"Im going to rest too mami"

"Do you need more blankets i can set in your room?"

"Mami i told you i can sleep in the guest bedroom"

"No mija let Cammie rest"


"Lauren just listen to mom she spent alot of time in your room making sure its stayed like how you left it"

"Alright good night guys"

I walked upstairs with Camden it had been a heavier meal than i expected not much because of the food because of the conversation.I did miss my family but i couldnt leave it all again.

"Are you okay"the green eyed beauty said breaking the silence

"Yeah im just thinking"

"Can we talk Lauren?"

"Ofcourse lets go to my room"

I opened the door to the room i hadnt been in months there were still all my pictures on my wall,my bed sheets the same my furniture placed the same way.

"Wow what a teen dream bedroom"

"I know its been a while"

"You have so many pictures"Camden said as she walked closer to my picture collage

"Yeah they are mostly all from high school"

"Isnt that your brothers wife?"

"Yeah...."i said thinking about the days when Camila and I hung out all day.We were inseperable.

"You have alot with her,i would think you guys didnt talk much seeing the way you two act around each other"

"Things have changed"

"I see that"

"Is this your dad"she said holding the picture of me and my dad before he passed

"Yeah if anyone truly loved me it was him,i miss him so much"

"Well i dont think its that hard not to fall in live with you baby" she said kissing my lips and held the helm of her shirt as she reached for my neck

"Thanks for always making everything better"

"Its the least i can do baby"


We were interrupted by my mothers knock on the door.

"Mija i thought you were going to bed"

"I was just showing Cammie some old pictures"

"I love coming in here and seeing the pictures of you when you were younger"

"Ill leave you two to talk"Cammie said giving me a hug and almost kissing my lips

"Uhm goodnight Cammie"

"Buenas noches"she said with an accent that made me chuckle

"Mija can i ask you something?"

"Uhm sure mami what is it"i said thinking mom had caught on to Cammies relationship with me

"Did you leave because of me?"


"Mija i know i wasnt the best mother with you many of the times i was taken over by my feelings over the past,and now i just can't forgive myself for pushing you away and never giving you all the love you deserved"

"Mami i love you and i always will no matter what"

"And i love you too but i ask for you to forgive me for all the terrible moments ive given you"

My eyes began to water as my mother for the first time had ever apologized to me


"Mija i love you so much and i really just want you to be happy for who you are and whatever or whoever makes you happy ill be happy to meet"

"Thanks mami"i said as i hugged my mom we both cried in an indearing hug never before had i felt secure in my mothers hands

"Mija you remind me so much of your father you have his eyes his personality and most of all his caring heart"

"I miss him so much"

"I do too honey i do too"

Minutes passed as we sat on my bed and held each other like we had never before my heart felt filled the empty ness i knew i had but never thought id need filling too was filled and it felt amazing.

"Mija ill let you rest i just really needed to talk to you"

"Ofcourse Mami thank you for doing so ive missed you alot"

"Goodnight mija sleep well" she said kissing my forhead and leaving my room

I laid back on my bed but felt a picture sitting on my bed.I pucke dit up and realized it was a picture of Camila and I.She was hugging me from behind her smile was genuine and so was mine.

I placed the picture on my chest remembering that day.

My girlfriend hugged me from behind her smaller body gripping my chest,her arms barely long enough to wrap around my upper body.


"Yeah Camz"

"I love you"

"I love you too"i replied turning around to face her face.

"I cant wait to live my whole life with you"

"I dont care where life takes us as long as you are with me ill be fine"i replied closing in on the smaller girl.

"Promise to never leave me"her brown eyes tender her lips soft

"I promise to never leave you baby"i said as i wrapped my pinky around hers
I was only 17 and in love.If someone had told me my future I wouldnt of believed them.Camila was everything to me and even though she wasnt mine anymore i wouldnt be able to break my promise.She would always be in my life no matter what,maybe not as we had planned but still there and vibrant.I couldnt deny i had missed her brown eyes.Her little quircks i fell for she still had but what could i do she was my sister in law and thats it,not my ex girlfriend or what i thought of her didnt matter she made my beother happy.Who was I to mess that up?

Colour Me Green (Camren)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن