Doll Maker PT 2

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When he's Jealous:

You are now with Doll Maker as he gave you some ice cream and he left to go to the bathroom. While you are eating a man came over and slowly touch your bum.

"Hey sexy, would you play with me?" The man smirked

"I'm taken." You said

"I don't see your boyfriend." The man said

"Guess again." Doll Maker growled

The man turned around and got scared of the pink glass doll eye and ran off as Doll Maker hold you close.

"Mine!" Doll Maker said

You have never seen Doll Maker jealous but this is the first time.

When He Cheats On You/Break Up:

You are now walking around and went into the doll shop and you see Doll Maker buying another doll for a different girl. Your heart breaks and you came over to Doll Maker and slap his face hard.


You started crying and ran out of the store that Doll Maker cheated on you. After that cheating moment, you are now at home and you see a letter which reads:

"To Y/N,

I'm sorry but we are over! It's better if we can be friends because I have been busy with my dolls.

Doll Maker."

You felt heartbroken that Doll Maker broke up with you and started to cry.

Without You:

Doll Maker is busy making his new doll out of a victim he found and he started to think about you. He started to feel sad and begin to tear up and started crying softly.

"Y-Y/N I'm sorry. I want you back." Doll Maker cried

When He Makes Up With You:

At night you felt depressed without Doll Maker. You thought of all the fun times you have with him and you slowly begin to feel a bit sadder than before. You take out the doll that he gave you when you first met and begin to take out a razor. The blade went close to your wrist as warm blood trickles down as you close your eyes until you heard a voice.

"Drop that blade." Doll Maker said

You turn around and see Doll Maker and he hugged you tightly.

"Please take me back! I'm so sorry for hurting you." Doll Maker said

You hugged Doll Maker closely and he kiss your lips.

Make Out Caught:

Doll Maker brought you to a lake and begin to kiss your lips and you begin to kiss back. Both of you started making out together as he pulled you close. While you're making out with your boyfriend, a few chuckles as you see Jeff, Ben and even LJ smirking.

"GET SOME DOLL MAKER!" LJ, Ben and Jeff smirked

You pull away and blush in a shade of red as Doll Maker remind them to leave and they left. He continues to make out with you.

He catches you Singing:

You are now listening to your favorite song Break from Three Days Grace. You continue to sing as Doll Maker is amazed at your voice and he kiss you with a smile.

When He Tries On Your Clothes:

Doll Maker found your dress in the closet and he wonders how it will fit on him. He started to put it on and tried to zipper it and you came back and giggle as he got your dress.

Lazy Day:

Doll Maker is now at your house and you are making a fruit salad and you started to cut up some grapes and apples. You look at Doll Maker and came over.

"Sweetie can you help me with the fruit salad?" You asked

"Maybe later." Doll Maker said

"Pretty please?" You asked

"But I don't wanna." Doll Maker said

You groaned and begin to make the rest of the fruit salad.

The nickname he called you:

Doll Maker smiled softly and called you his baby doll or his love.

When He Takes You To A Vacation With Another Pasta:

Doll Maker takes you and Spider Eye to Texas and you begin to smile and enjoy the vacation. You did some horseback riding and many fun activities with Doll Maker and SE. You have an amazing time in Texas.

When He caught You Dancing:

You started to dance the tango with your close friend and you smiled softly while dancing and you see Doll Maker clapping his hands and you begin to blush. He take out a rose and place it in his long hair.

"Would you tango with me?" Doll Maker asked

You smiled and begin to tango with Doll Maker.

When You Caught Him Singing:

Doll Maker is singing his favorite song DollHouse by Melanie Martinez. While making the dolls, he started to sing the lyrics to the song.

"Places, places get in your places
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains." Doll Maker sang

You applaud and he turn around and see you.

"You're voice is amazing." You said

He smiled and continue to sing the song to you.

When He Visits You At School:

At school, you are at a toy making class and you are learning on making a doll. You started to make the doll parts and you see another person who is right next to you and kiss your lips.

"Help?" Doll Maker asked

"Oh yes please." You nodded

Doll Maker begin to help you make a doll and your teacher gave you an A plus.

Spa Day:

Doll Maker takes you over to a nice spa and you smiled and begin to get a body wrap as Doll Maker got a nice massage. You both have a very nice time at the spa together.

When You Try on Something Of His:

You have been trying on some clothes and you find a nice blue buttoned up shirt and you begin to put it on. You went to the mirror and begin to smile softly.

"Man I look beautiful." You smiled

"You sure are my baby doll." Doll Maker chuckled

He smiled and kiss your cheek as he giggled

When You Showed Him Your Talent:

You begin to do a handstand and you started to walk on your hands while your feet is in the air. You then see Doll Maker as he is amazed by your talent and he kiss your cheek.

When He Show you His Talent:

Doll Maker can make dolls in seconds. From making a clay doll to a porcelain one, you are shocked and amazed by his talent. You tried to make a clay doll but you messed up a bit.

"How did you do that?" You asked

"What can I say? I'm the Doll Maker and I make dolls." Doll Maker chuckled

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