He's Mine

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"It's me, Kris!"

Kris? Baekhyun heard that name before and his face is familiar too. Who is he?

" Your childhood friend, Galaxy. Do you remember that?"


" Oh my god, Wu Yi Fan-fan!"

Baekhyun can't help but rush to Kris and give him a hug. Of course, Kris hugs him back. Kris's large arms perfectly fit to Baekhyun's small figure, makes their hugs looks friendlier than ever.

From behind, Chanyeol can't hold the anger from what he saw. Quickly, he pulls Baekhyun off Kris and take him in his arm instead.

" Nice to meet you Kris. By the way, i'm Park Chanyeol,Baekhyun's HUSBAND."

Chanyeol presses the word husband, trying to keep Kris away from Baekhyun and let him know their status.

" N-Nice to meet you, Mr.Park."

Kris looks at Baekhyun and smile. Baekhyun smiles back and give Kris one of the brightest smile he has. Chanyeol who notice this hug Baekhyun's shoulder tighter makes Baekhyun ows in pain.

" So, Baekhyun. Maybe we can have a drink one day and catch up! And maybe planning for your comeback at the company."

" That would be nice."

" Then, i'll take my leave now."

Kris steps forward to give Baekhyun a friendly peck on his cheek but Chanyeol pulls Baekhyun back.

" O-Okay, sorry. Well, goodbye."

" Let me take you to the door."

" It's okay, Baekhyun. He knows how to let himself out."

" Chanyeol, what is wrong with you?"

Baekhyun slaps Chanyeol's chest softly, giving him a warning to behave.

" I'm sorry, Kris. Have a safe drive."

" It's okay. Bye."

After Kris left, Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol with his hands cross.

" What?"

" I don't like that you behave like that in front of our guest. That's rude."

" Oh, now you're defending him. That's how it is, fine!"

Chanyeol turns around to walk away but Baekhyun quickly pulls Chanyeol back. Now, his chest is glued to Chanyeol's chest.

" That's not what i mean."

Baekhyun said as he finger fiddling Chanyeol's broad chest. Sometimes, he lets his nose buried into Chanyeol's chest, smelling the masculine smell that Chanyeol has.

Chanyeol who see this, quickly cool his mind off. This cute man in front of him is really irresistable. Chanyeol too, lets his nose buried into Baekhyun's hair, smelling the strawberry and honey sweet smell that Baekhyun has. He wraps his hand on Baekhyun small waist and pull him closer.

" I'm jealous."

" What, Channie?"

" I'm jealous."

Baekhyun laughs in Chanyeol's arm, makes Chanyeol turns on by the cuteness and beautifulness of Baekhyun.

" You are so beautiful."

" That's so sweet of you."

Baekhyun's cheeks start to blish, showing a soft pink colour on his pale cheeks. Chanyeol can't helo but kiss that irresistable cheeks of Baekhyun's.

" You're mine."

Chanyeol said as his lips start to travel down Baekhyun's neck. Baekhyun tilts his head, giving Chanyeol more space to devour him. Baekhyun lets out a soft moan as Chanyeol bite his skin, leaving a red mark on it.

Chanyeol's hand roaming down Baekhyun's body, leaving warm spots where ever he touches.

" Damn, I am so irritated."

" What's wrong?"

" The fact you let him touched you, irritates me."

Baekhyun laughs again. This time, he really finds Chanyeol is so cute with his jealousy.

" I like you being jealous. It makes me feel special."

Baekhyun wraps his arms around Chanyeol's neck and pull him on his level. He smiles before he crashes their lips together.

To Chanyeol, Baekhyun's lips is so soft and sweet. He never taste something like this before. A taste where strawberry and honey are blend together, creating a sweet scent and taste.

To Baekhyun, Chanyeol's plump lips felt so soft as he crash their lips together yet so full. Chanyeol's never let a small gap between their lips makes every kisses is fulling and meaningful. With a slight sour-like-orange taste that kinda suitable for my sweetness.

Chanyeol lets their lips apart. And he looks at Baekhyun's red swollen lips, touch it with his finger, tracing and feeling the softness of the texture.

" This is mine and mine alone."

" I know."

" Don't any other man touch you or your skin, your shirt or even a strand of your hair. I won't let that happen."

" I know, Channie."

Baekhyun is so happy by Chanyeol's statement, really made his day brighter even with a bad start. He rests his palm on Chanyeol cheek, spreading some heata and warm.

Chanyeol had his eyes close, feeling so comfortable by Baekhyun's touch. Chanyeol grabs Baekhyun's waist tighter and smash their body together, almost makes Baekhyun off the floor.

" Chanyeol, what the- are you hard?"

" I'm very am, just so you know."

" No! It's still- no."

Chanyeol lifts Baekhyun up and carries him bridal-style towards their rooms.

" No, bad Chanyeol! Put me down! The children-"

" They're fine. I'll call the nanny to babysit them while we making...love."

" Yah, Park Chanyeol!"

Chanyeol smirks as he pushes the door close with his feet and lock it before disappear behind it.

Hope you guys like this short part by the way sorry.

*whisper*Don't worry, smut will coming right up!

Thanks for reading.

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