Please Come Home

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Chanyeol's POV

I left home with Cheon Sa because I really need a time out from Baekhyun and everything. It's been 2 months since I left and I haven't pick any of Baekhyun's call or reply his text. We've been living in a motel, not far from home but at least I can get away from all of these problems.

But I admit that I do miss him. I love him. Really, i do but i don't know why but i can't look at him. It makes me feel angry and sad at the same time.

The fact that he did that without talking to me and deciding on his own. What does he thinks I am? I'm his husband! He should told me before doing such a thing, that is why i'm angry. I know it's unreasonable and i shouldn't do that to him, while he's in that condition but i really need a time out.

I'm back to the reality when i hear Cheon Sa is calling for me from the bed.


"Yes, dear. Why are you up? Do you have a nightmare?"

"Daddy, i want to go home. I want to meet Mummy, i miss him."

"I know. I miss him too but not now, darling."


"Cheon Sa, just go back to sleep dear. I will give it a thought."


Cheon Sa tucks herself back in the blanket and close her eyes shut. That is when the phone rings. I pick it up without even looking at the caller.

" Hello?"

"Finally,you're... answer... i'm glad..."

He's out of breathe.


"Chanyeol... please.. come home.."

He stops for a while. From there, i know he has a hard time to talk.

"Baekhyun, what is wrong with you? Why are you out of breathe?"

I asked in worries. I could hear his heavy breath and his weak voice and I can't help but to worry.

"Please, come...back to me.. we can be.. a family again.."

He stops again.

"I miss you.... i miss Cheon Sa.. i'm alone here.... just.. come back.. to me.."

Then, i hear his sobs.

"Baekhyun, I-I really can't. I'm sorry but I really need a time out from everything. I'm just- I can't stomach the fact that you got pregnant without discussing it with me. Please, just give me some time to figure this out."

"Why did you leave? It's been 2 months already and I'm not strong enough, Chanyeol. I need you.. so much. Do you.. hate me...that much? Do you...hate this baby....that much? Don't you... love me anymore? Is...that why you...left home?

"No,Baekhyun! You don't understand. I-I'm just.."

"Chanyeol, come home.. explain it all to me.. tell me... face to face... that you.. don't love me... anymore and you don't want ... me anymore.. and i'll go.. far away from.. your life.."

His talks are mix with panting and sobs.

"What are you talking about?! I will never do that to you. Baekhyun, I love you really I do but-"

"Then, come.. home..see me.."

"I'll think about it."

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you. I know you'll come home. I love you very much."


I cut off the call. I didn't say i love you back.

In good and in bad, in sick and in health, I'll cherish you for the rest of my life. I love you, Baekhyun.

The words I said keeps ringing in my ears. I promised him but I fail to keep that promise.

What i've been doing?! What am i doing?! What is wrong with me?!

I stand up from my seat and rush to the closet, picks up everything in it and toss it in the baggage. I zip it up and go to the bed where Cheon Sa is sleeping. I pick her up slowly, don't want to wake her up, holding her tightly in arms before walk out the room.

I'm coming home, Baekhyun.
. . .

Baekhyun's POV

I was in the balcony in my room, watching the sky with a blanket covering my lap when i hear someone is pushing the code at the door.

I look back and slowly i reach for my supporting stick and stand up. I walk to the room door and open it. I walk slowly to the living room, hoping that what I've been dreaming will come true. What i want to see will come true.

As is pass the wall, I see Chanyeol, resting sleeping Cheon Sa on the couch. I cover my mouth, tries to hold my tears.

" Chanyeol..?"

I walk forward a bit more and drop my stick. I want to go to him. I want to hug him. I want to embrace him and feel his warmth.

As i step without any support, i almost lost my balance but i keep it strong. I walk forward slowly and when i was trying to step faster than i could, my knee can't hold it any longer. I'm falling.

That is when Chanyeol run up to me, wrapping his arms around me, holding me up. My tears just can't stop flowing. He bends his knee and both of us are on the floor, embrace each other.

"You're back.."

"I'm sorry, Baekhyun. I'm so sorry. I promised you and I'm gonna keep that promise. I'm sorry for leaving you. I love you so much, so much."

"It's okay.. you're here... now.. i'm so happy."

I can feel Chanyeol kisses my neck and i kiss his. I tighten my hug around him, i really miss this warmth. Him.

Slowly, we separate our body and let our forehead touch. I take his hand, resting it on my bumpy stomach where our baby is growing, 2 months now.

I look at him while he still looking down, at my stomach.

"Do you still hate it?"

"Don't say that."

He caress it gently, makes me feel relieved and happy.

"It's our baby."

"It's true,Chanyeol. It's ours, the symbol of our love."

He hugs me again.

" I'm sorry i left you. I just want you to know i love you so much. And i love this little angel in here too. From now on, no matter what i'll take care of you. I promise."

" I love you too, Chanyeol. I'm just.. happy you're home."

" I'll always be home."

We kiss. For the first time in the long time.

You're home.

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