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Chanyeol's POV

I can't sit still and I'm so worried about Bomi and the baby. I hope they'll be okay and safe. I've called Mom and Dad so now they are on their way here. Of course they will rush here, it's their first grandchild.

I sit down for a bit to rest my sore leg but i can't help to move around. That's a better way to release my worries than sit and do nothing. I can hear footsteps are half running. I look at the hallway and see Mom and Dad coming this way.

" What happened? Is she okay?"

" I don't know,Mom. She had been in there for an hour. I'm so worried."

" Don't worry. She's going to be fine."

" Thanks, Dad." By then, a male doctor come out from the labour room. He takes off his mask and gloves before he speaks. But i can't wait.

" Doctor, how's my wife?"

" Don't worry, Mr..."

" Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol."

" Mr.Park, your wife is fine. The baby too and it's a girl! Congratulations."

I brush my hair back, feeling so relieved.

" Congrats, Chanyeol! You're a dad now."

" When can i see my wife and my daughter."

" We already set her to a normal ward since they both are fine and healthy. You can come in in 5 minutes."

" Thank you, doctor."

The doctor left. We wait out there in 5 minutes and a nurse come out, let us in. I step in the room and see Bomi on the bed with a tiny bed beside her. There, i could see a pink cute baby girl, sleeping soundly. I walk closer to the baby.

"Can i pick her up?"

" Of course you can. You're her father."

Mom replies. And Bomi nods her head weakly. Slowly, i reach my hand and pick her tiny little body. I take her to my chest and kiss her rosy cheek. She opens her eyes but she's not crying instead she's smiling with a cute mouth of hers.

" She's so cute. And beautiful like an angel."

" Look who's her father and mother."

It's not mine. But i love this girl.

" Can Mom hold her?"

" Of course."

I walk towards Mom and pass that little girl to her. She make a sound, warning them not to bother her sleep but we don't care. Mom and Dad keep kissing her cheek.

" Wait, where's Baekhyun? Did somebody call him? Where would he be?"

Dad asks suddenly.

Baekhyun? Where is he?

" Baekhyun..."

I keep silent as i try to remember something but i don't remember what is it.

Wait, Baekhyun is..

" I'll be waiting."

I heard his voice.

" Oh my god!!"

I scream in a low voice.

" What's wrong, Chanyeol?"

" I'm sorry, i have to go for a while. You take care okay, Bomi. I'll come back later. I'm sorry."

" Chanyeol!"

I rush out of the room and take the elevator to the ground level. Reach for my car key and open the lock. I slip myself in and start the engine. I vroom out imediately.


Still Chanyeol's POV

I park my car when i arrive at the Han River. I lock my car before heading out to find Baekhyun.

I start to run as fast as i could to the place we promised to meet.

Oh my god, i made him wait for 6 hours. And it's freezing cold out here.

What have i've done?

I run and run. When i arrive there, there's no one. Then, i realized.

He didn't wait. It's all my fault.

" You.. you came.."

Baekhyun's voice.

It' shaking and shivering.

I turn myself and see him. He just wearing a suit, he must be freezing cold.

I walk to him and give him a warm hug. That time, i can feel his skin, his suit is cold. Oh my god!

I release my hug and look at him. His face is white, his lips is blue.

" Oh my god, Byun Baekhyun!"

" I've been waiting for you."

" You shoudn't do this."

" I... i promised you.. I wanted to tell you that.."

Baekhyun collapses. His breathe is slow and he's not moving. His eyes close shut.

" No,no,no.. Baekhyun, wake up!!"

But he doesn't respond.

I hug him and tears flowing down my cheek. Slowly, i carry him bridal-style to my car.

I can't let him die. Not like this. I need to tell him my feelings.

Please hold on, Baekhyun. I know you're strong.

I love you.

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