One Call

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I'm sorry if the previous part, Let Her Go makes you guys mad of more drama-angst but i really want to keep this story going. I'm sorry if you find this a little bit over the top .And that is why, i'm sorry. I'll try my best to finish this story as soon as possible.

Btw drop a few comments on how you feel about this story or about me. Just be honest, i'll accept it no matter how it is.

Thank you guys.


It's been a week since Cheon Sa left. This place is not like before, everything is quiet and gloomy. No sense of light just the bedlight is on in the room. The twin are sleeping in the babycot beside the king-sized bed.

Chanyeol is on the bed, staring weakly at the television, showing Happy Together where is laughing and happy atmosphere is shown but Chanyeol can't feel that.

Baekhyun is beside Chanyeol, holding his phone tightly in his hand while the other is in the babycot, lullabying Taehyung and Sanha.

" When will she call us? It's been a week without any news, right?"

" I don't know, Channie. I told her to tell us an update but she never call since that day. I'm worried."

" I'm worried too."


After Chanyeol lets her go, Baekhyun hugs her again.

" No matter what happen, don't cry. Mummy will always support you from here. I love you, okay?"

" Okay, Mummy. Okay, Daddy."

End of flashback

That is when I slipped a phone in her Hello Kitty purse. Right now, we just have to wait.

🎶 Baby, don't cry tonight~

" Chanyeol, your phone!"

Chanyeol rushed to take his phone on the drawer beside the bed. He slides the green button and place it on his ear, nervously waiting for the caller. Baekhyun is joining to listen, to know who is it cause they hope it's Cheon Sa.

" Daddy..."

Their face changes.

" Ch-Cheon Sa.."

" Daddy, i miss you."

Then,they can hear sobs. That time, their hearts crashed down, worried and mad that that evil man would do something to her.

" I miss you too. Mummy is here, she miss you too."

" When will you get me? I'm lonely here, i never be happy without you. I want to go home, please take me back."

" I know, honey. I'll try my best, okay?"

" Daddy.."

Cheon Sa starts to sob again.

" Yes, dear. Why are you crying? Don't cry.."

" I-I want.."


The call ended.

Chanyeol froze while Baekhyun is slapping his arm softly, trying to wake him up.

" Chanyeol, what wrong? What happen?"

" She w-wanted to say something but.."

" But?"

" The call ended."

Baekhyun gets slump on the bed. This time, he's more worried that something might happen. What if Ravi knows that he gave Cheon Sa a phone? What if Ravi abused her?

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