See You Soon

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Baekhyun POV

I sit down on the seat provided for passengers while waiting for my flight. I bought a ticket to US just now. That's the only place that come in my mind.

While waiting, i keep thinking of Chanyeol.

How is he?

Can he handle the problem?

Can he survive without me?

The last question. I'm not sure myself but i think he will be find with Mom, Dad and... Bomi.

I don't know.

Suddenly, i hear someone calling my name and it sounds familiar. I lift up my head.

I see him. Park Chanyeol.

Sweating, out of breathe, worried and sad Chanyeol is now in front of me but he's still can't see me.

I stand up and that is when Chanyeol sees me. He runs up to me as fast as he could.

" Chanyeol.. what are.."

Before i could finish my question, he hugs me, embraces me as if he doesn't want to let me go. I try to push him but he hugs me tighter.

" Where are you going? What are you thinking? Leaving me? How should i survive that? Let's go home, okay?"

He said. I can feel his breathe on my neck when he talks and it's comfort me.

I hug him back. Hugging his waist tightly.

" I'm sorry but i need to go."

" Where? Why?"

I release my arms and him too.

" How's Bomi? Mom? Dad? Are they okay? Cheon Sa?"

" They're fine, for now."

" Good."

I brush his wet hair that cover his eyes aside.

*( ) means voice of announcement.

( Flight to United State will be depart in 10 minutes. All passengers please register yourself at the flight entrance.)

" I have to go now."

I turn my body to take my bag but Chanyeol hold my shoulder.

" No,!! What about us? What about this?"

He rest my palm on his chest, right on his heart.

" I'm sorry but i have to.. please jist let me go.."

" No, you're not going anywhere. You're staying here with me. We're gonna live together, buy a house for us, sleep on the same bed and grow old together. Don't you want that?"

" I do.. but.."

" Then, let's make it real."

" I can't.."

He slaps my hand.

" Baekhyun, why are you like this? I won't accept this. I will never accept this, Byun Baekhyun!!"

I pull his jacket, getting him near me. Our chest touch and i hold neck, sliping my finger between his hair, calming him down.

" Shh.. look at me.. look at me.."

" I can't.."

His tears starts to fall down his cheeks. I wipe it off.

" Look at me, Park Chanyeol."

His eyes are everywhere and stop when his meets mine.

" I'm sorry if my decision is to quick and i didn't get a time to discuss it with you. Hey, i love you, okay? For the rest of my life, there will always be you. Just you."

" Don't you want to be with me?"

" No, Chanyeol. In my sad pathetic lonely life, i have always want to be with you. To sleep on the same bed, grow old but those things is impossible for us when there's a third person between us. Bomi. How's about her?"

" I can let her go."

" No. I don't want her to experience that. And Park Cheon Sa. She needs a father to guide her and i'm sure she'll be okay and grow as a healthy fine girl. Just God knows how i need you to be with me but.. Bomi needs you more. Cheon Sa needs you more. As for me, i can survive myself as long as i'm in your heart."

I touch his chest.

Chanyeol keeps crying and me too.

" I know it's hard but that's life, right?"

" Is there anything that i can do to change your mind?"

" I'm sorry."

I kiss his lips and cheeks for the last time and let him go. I pull my bag and walk away.

I turn around and see Chanyeol is looking at mr, crying.

I run back to him, hug him, embrace him. I can feel he kisses my neck.

I let him go again.

" Take care and stay strong. I love you,Park Chanyeol so much."

" I love you too."

I start to walk again and never look back. Tears keep falling and don't bother to wipe it off.

Goodbye, Park Chanyeol.

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