Just You

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Baekhyun's POV

I already arrive in US two days ago. I stay in my house that I rent when father sent me to study here. Well, he bought me a house but i just don't want to stay there.

For now, here is okay.

Since I left Korea, i can't forget Chanyeol. I still remember his touch, his voice, his smile, his ears, his warmth, his love. I miss all of them.

I can't do anything. I can't sleep, eat, work or anything and it's hard without him cause he's everywhere inside me.

I throw myself on the bed. Resting my body eventhough i'm not tired. I look up the ceiling, eyes looking straight on the empty ceiling and the memories with Chanyeol come in my sight. The best memories that ever happened in my life.

My first time is with him. Only him. And i don't regret it. Not even once cause it's beautiful.


Chanyeol carried me bridal-style into a house. He said the house was his before father adopted him. He carries me straight into his room, pushing the door wide open with his back and slowly put me on the bed.

He took off his jacket, his watch and be on top off me. One inch the distance of our face. He brushed his thumb on my cheek gently, getting in the mood. Slowly he sealed his lips on mine. My cold lips became warm. He pull it apart.

" Chanyeol?"

He smiles at me.

" Hey."

" Why did you stop?"

" I want to see your face."

" You don't have to."

He covered my mouth.

" Oh my god, you're so beautiful."

My cheeks got hot.

He kissed my lips again.

" Baekhyun, my love, please let me hold you tonight. Melt you with my warmth and let me be the only one for you."

" Just you.."

And we had the best night of our life.

End of flashback

I curl my body on the bed. My body gets warm just by remembering that moment.

Yes, it was the best. I want to keep it like that.

My heart, my body is just for him. Only him and no one else.

Park Chanyeol, it just you.

. . .

Chanyeol's POV

I wake up with sweat covering my body, heart beating fast and head aching.

Bomi wakes too.

" What's wrong, honey?"

" It's nothing. Go back to sleep. I'm gonna check Cheon Sa."

" Okay.. don't stay up late.."

I adjust her blanket as she closes her eyes.

I walk down the bed and go to the room next door. I push the door open and there, a little angel is sleeping soundly.

I almost get tears up when i hear a weird sound come out from her nose as she breathe. She's too perfect to be sick like this.

Her life now depends on the oxygen tank that the doctor provides. Everywhere she goes, she has to wear the oxygen mask and it hurts me to see that. Eventhough when she sleeps. I adjust her mask to make sure she's comfortable and she flinch. I sing a lullaby for her and she sleeps soundly again.

" Park Cheon Sa, my daughter, my angel, grow up strong and healthy dear. Daddy and Mommy loves you very much."

I kiss her rosy cheeks and walk out the room.

I don't go to my room instead i go to Baekhyun's room.

* p/s: Chanyeol and Bomi never has their own house. They stay in mom and dad's.

I lay myself on his bed. I curl my body, trying to catch his scent and i can smeel it. A blunt scent of sweet smell. Yeah, it his.

Oh god, how i miss him. How he's doing?

Byun Baekhyun, i still love you rigjt here. Please come back soon. My heart is just for you.

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