CHAPTER SEVENTY EIGHT: The Mausoleum of Lost Memories

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I am running as fast as I could. I need to find Wendy and go home. Noong una I can't feel anything but as soon as the my watch struck midnight my senses went haywire.

This old cemetery is oozing with different souls and if may nagambala ang isa sa amin na Dark Spirit we are all in great danger.

I tried calling Wendy but her phone is turned off.

"Nasaan ka na ba Wendy?" I exclaimed while running. This cemetery is so huge. Kahit isa man lang participant sa dating game na ito wala pa akong nakikita.

The ghosts are starting to notice me one by one as I search for Wendy and some of them are the reason why I am running right now.

They are chasing me!!!!

I ended up going inside a small steel gate and to my surprise the ghosts that were chasing me didn't enter.

I let out a sigh of relief. I look behind me and saw a huge Mausoleum. Mayaman siguro ang may-ari because it's so huge.

I look at the ghosts again and was surprised to see them all gone. I was able to finally catch my breath.

I shuddered when a gush of wind pierced like ice in my body as it passed by me. Nagsisisi na tuloy ako why I didn't bring a jacket with me.

Things started to get worst when large drop of ice cold rain started pouring down. I ended up seeking shelter at the scary looking Mausoleum behind me.

Now it will be even harder to find Wendy.

The wind started showing its anger and I ended up being pushed towards the door of the Mausoleum. My foot slipped and I fell butt first inside the dark creepy structure.

After I fell another strong wind passed by closing the Mausoleum door with a loud thud.

I jumped up and tried opening the door but it's locked. My heart race with panic.

"Open up!!!!! Help!!! I'm locked!!!!" I shouted but the condition outside only makes me frustrated. It's heavily raining. Sino ba namang tanga ang naglalakad sa labas at this time?

My flashlight started to flicker.

"No no no no!" I exclaimed as I tapped it but the light went off. My flashlight is dead. I've completely forgotten to change its batteries.

I slumped on the floor with door of the Mausoleum behind my back.

It's terrifying in here. Why? Because I can sense something inside this Mausoleum.

I hug my knees tightly and prayed to God na huminto na sana ang malakas na ulan sa labas.

Then I heard something.

I stiffened and the hair on my neck stands up when I heard a sound of a metal chain moving na parang it is being dragged by a foot.

I closed my eyes and covered my ears while citing a prayer inside my head. If it's a dark spirit then I am in a very dangerous situation.


I don't know why I am in front of this Mausoleum. Somehow my feet lead me here for no reason.

Kanina there seemed to someone telling me to go to this direction. Was it the wind, a ghost or my imagination?

I look at the Mausoleum's door and I noticed some Spanish words written on it.

Mausoleo de los recuerdos perdidos

There's nothing peculiar about this Mausoleum in my eyes but I have this urge to take a peek inside.

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