'They felt so strong and warm...' The girl thought as she closed and reopened her hand repeatedly while looking at them.

Her smile didn't fade.

That felt... good. I feel... happy right now.

"Well, we'll catch you later, Iruka-sensei!" Naruto waved as he and Nia walked north.

"Be careful!" Iruka shouted with Naruto replying that he and Nia would.

After getting out of sight, the two genin talked.

"Naruto, I never told you this but you're headband looks really cool." Nia complimented her friend.

"Sure does." Naruto touched his headband and adjusted it,

It makes me relieved to know that I have one. I'm always reminded that my goal of becoming a ninja was accomplished."

"I bet."

"That reminds me, where's your headband?"

"I have it somewhere in my bag but... I don't wanna wear it." Nia answered honestly.

Naruto pondered about Nia's huge dislike for her village. In some ways, it aggravated him that she didn't care for it but in other ways, he understood why she didn't.

The two were in a grassy field. Naruto had his hands in his pockets while Nia just awkwardly rubbed her hands as if she was washing them. The younger genin noticed this and asked if she was alright.

"Oh, I'm alright." Nia said as she continued her strange action.

In all honesty, she was a bit nervous around Naruto. He was nice and that made the girl feel strange and awkward.

It's still so weird that he's nice to me... I can't stop feeling like there's a catch to him being that way towards me. I wonder what it is?

"Naruto, do you like... um...being around me... or something?"

"Huh?" Naruto gave his friend a look.

The Umino girl nervously shifted her eyes to her feet, "I mean, do you think that I'm okay to be by?"

"Hmm..." Naruto rubbed his head, "That's a hard one..."

"What?! It is?! " Nia looked back at the jinchuuriki, "You don't... like me?"

"Kidding! I'm just messing with you." Naruto chuckled after seeing Nia's disappointed expression, "Of course I like being around you, Curly Brow. You're Iruka-sensei's cousin, y'know?"

"So you mean, if I wasn't, you wouldn't still think that?"

"No. It's just that knowing that you're Iruka-sensei's cousin makes me like you a lot more, y'know?"

"Oh... Okay then." The kunoichi smiled slightly.

He thinks I'm fun to be around then...?

"You said you needed to show me something important, 'member?"

Naruto scratched his cheek and apologized, "Sorry, I only said that to gain some distance from Sensei. I actually wanted to tell you something that I should've told you a while back."

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