Final Author's Note

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Now there is a depressing phrase...

A Final Author's Note

I started this story when I was barely fourteen. If you went back two years and asked me if I'd be laying here on my bed one day, creating a heartbreaking last note to my very first novel I ever created, I probably wouldn't have believed you. I never had a good enough reason to commit to a story and write it until its very end. Until I met Avery Houston.

I 'met' Avery one morning when I was sitting on my couch. I have always had an absurdly overactive imagination. I always make up crazy stories in my head, featuring myself as the main character of this miniscule world. A Gang of Our Own was one of those worlds.

As I wrote A Gang of Our Own, I realized how much I related to Avery. No, I do not come from an abusive household. My parents are kind and loving and would give up their world for me. But it didn't always feel like they were with me; by my side. They were always busy and I felt like they didn't have time, and they seemed to have disappeared from a few chapters in my life story.

And for a long time I didn't have any friends. When I was thirteen, I was one of the popular girls. I wore globs of make- up. I had a few guys crushing on me, though I didn't really care about them or their feelings. I bullied a few people to maintain my social status. My grades were great, I got invited to all the parties, and life. Was. Good.

But that summer all my friends left me. I didn't understand why, and I still don't. They rarely- if ever- answered my texts. They didn't reach out to me much anymore. They just stopped caring. It was then I had finally had the time to see who I had become.

Eighth grade rolled around. I wore no make-up. My hair was poofy and frizzy. I wore jeans and t- shirts. And no one noticed me anymore. I didn't have anyone to call a real friend that whole year. I was a very lonely girl.

Much like Avery.

I never did find a Matt for my story. But I liked to pretend I did. I wished I had a friend who would be brutally honest with me sometimes. Someone who would infuriate me every now and then, but who would got to war for me if I needed them to.

However, I did meet a Blair. She was a lot more rough around the edges and tomboy- ish, but she was my Blair, nonetheless. I don't feel so alone anymore.

My life has changed a lot, spiritually, as well. I wasn't a good Christian for a long time there. I failed God everyday and the awful part was I stopped feeling guilty. Our relationship was damaged, and here we are today and I'm still trying to fix it. But we're doing a lot better. I know it and I feel it and it's only getting better from here on out. Even though there is a long long ways to go, with faith and trust, I will be ok. I'm not afraid.

And I have yet to meet Triston Moriss. Although.... I am having very positive feelings about this upcoming school year.... I think I might meet him....

I've decided there is a moral to this story.


Ok, not really the moral here, although true.

My moral is this: Quite being tough.

Stop it. Seriously, right now.

Our society is filled with horrors. And even on a lesser scale, girls at school will bully you. Boys will break your heart. Not everyone will like you and you will feel alone at times.

But I beg of you, please don't get tough. It is not the way to respond to this world. In S.E. Hinton's novel, The Outsiders, of which I am very much in love with, there is a boy named Ponyboy Curtis. And his friend, Dally, is "tough" or "tuff" as they say in the book. He's got the bad boy look and rep. Jeans, leather jackets, has no feeling. He saw the dangers and struggles of this world and hardened himself to them so he wouldn't get hurt. And he ruined his life by doing it.

Don't hold yourself back. Being tough will be a barrier to keep bad out. But it will be a cell to keep you trapped inside.

Go out there. Do stuff. Be crazy, have fun. And just don't care what people think. Be tough by being too happy to get hurt. Not by ignoring feelings.

The song Avery sang at the choir concert, I Hope You Dance by LeAnne Womack, goes like this:

"Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin',
Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter,
When you come close to sellin' out reconsider,
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance... dance!"

Please, girls, always live by this code. It will help you so much in life. You don't even know.

I have been asked if I will be doing a sequel to A Gang of Our Own, and the answer is no.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to. I have gotten so attached to my characters. I love them as if they were real people. I guess to me they were, for a little bit of time there. But I like the way this story has ended. There is so much opportunity for the rest of my charcters' journeys throughout their lives. But, as silly as it sounds, I want them to write it. What happens to them now is entirely up to your individual mind. Figure out where you see Avery in five years. If Matt and Blair are still together. Perhaps Triston gets a full ride scholarship to a university because of his talents with football. Maybe the bridges connecting Avery and her real mother, Ruth, are repaired. Or maybe take my characters and place them in a happy, quiet box in the back of your mind or close to your heart. As long as you love them, which I really hope you do.

I'd also like to give a quick shout out to my two most supportive readers: Moon_BeamXOXO and NextG3n.

Moon_BeamXOXO, you have been so incredibly helpful since chapter one. You have given me so much advice on everything from bettering me as an author to relationship advice. You have been there for me, and even though I've never actually met you in person, you have made a huge impact on my first novel and I am forever grateful to you. Thank you so much for your endless support. 💕💕

NextG3n, you have also have had a major influence on my novel. Just seeing a comment from you somewhere would remind me that I need to incorporate Christ more in this chapter, or He wouldn't approve of her acting that way. You have also provided emotional support and encouragement to me and my story and I truly appreciate it. I hope you understand the full measures of my gratitude.

I am hoping you all have checked out my book of story ideas. It is literally just called Maddi' s Story Ideas and it has a panda cub on the front. Please check it out. My last update on it was called The Van Allen Estate and it seems to be my most promising story yet. Please tell me what you think, and I'm open to suggestions from you as well.

This brings my last segment of my very first novel to an end. Thank you, everyone, for giving me and Avery a chance.

Stay gold. 💛😢

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