Chapter Five

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"Sit." Malissa commanded. Matt and I both sat down at the table in the dining room, us on one side and Malissa on the other. When I met her, she seemed so kind, but now a look of fury overcame each one of her features.

"Matt. Please explain why within ten minutes of my work day, I received a call from your principal informing me that my son was not at school." Her eyes shifted to me. "And why I came home and found you with a girl."

Ok, it sounded bad when she said it like that.

"Mom, this is not what it looks like. When you dropped me off at school, Avery was sleeping on the ground." He looked at me as if asking me permission to tell my story. I gave him a slight nod. "Avery went home last night and her mom was really drunk. She ran to the school and fell asleep. We went to Casey's and got some food, but the guys I helped her get away from before showed up. We got out of there but they chased us clear into the forest behind the house. We seriously just got in here when you came home." Malissa looked at me suspiciously. I guess it did sound hard to believe. I took off my remaining slipper and showed it to her.

"One of those guys stole my other slipper. I ran halfway here without it."

Malissa's eyes suddenly softened and she looked at me with sympathy. I know she was just trying to be kind, but I hated that look.

"Matt, can you please go make some coffee for the three of us?" Matt looked confused. "Sure... Mom." And he left the room.

"You say your mother was drunk?" She asked when we were alone. There was an odd tone dancing in her voice and her intent blue eyes had an understanding flicker behind them.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Has this happened before?"

My stomach ached. Do I really have to answer that?  "Yes, it has." So I told her the story that I told Matt nearly an hour ago. She listened patiently, never moving her attention. Through certain parts of the story I could see a quick flash of pain or sorrow in her eyes. I guess this story hit pretty close to home for her. She must be thinking about her ex husband.... I'm assuming ex.

"Your mother has had the police involved with her drinking issues?"


"Avery, I think we should get the police involved in this again... Is that ok with you?"

Pain gripped my heart. Rattomg out my own mother seemed so wrong, but with all the pain she's caused me, my mom deserved to be punished. I nodded, unable to give the ok out loud.

"Very well. I will make a few phonecalls then." Malissa got up to go to the phone. After she left, Matt came in with the coffee.

"Where's my mom?" He asked.

"She went to get the police involved." I   answered quietly.

His eyes got big. "Really?"

"My mom deserves it. She wasn't there for me when I needed her. She's an alcoholic and I will not live with that woman anymore." The reality of those words soaked in. I won't live with her. Where will I go? Who will I live with? Will I be put in foster care? I started to panic. "Oh my God, Matt. Where will I go? Foster care? Foster care! Dear God, I can't go into foster care and be like those abused kids books are written about. What if I get sent to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere? What if I get sent home with creeps? What if they take me-"

"Avery, stop!" Matt sat beside me and put his hand on my arm.

"If they take my mom away, what will happen to me?"

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