Chapter Fifteen

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OK, I lied. I updated sooner than I thought I would. Enjoy!
Lunch was very awkward Wednesday. Matt was giving me the silent treatment, and Triston and I occasionally made akward eye contact. I felt really bad, but every time I tried to talk to him he just shut down. Minimal response. When Blair noticed how uncomfortable I was becoming, she invited me to go outside with her and get some fresh air. I happily obliged. We ran outside and the late fall breeze welcomed us. The air was brisk and cold, so I wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck.

"Spill it." I said. "How was the date?"

Her face flushed and I knew it wasn't from the wind. She bit her lower lip and grinned down at her feet.

"OH MY GOSH! Blair something hapened! Tell me!" I begged.

Her smile escaped and she grinned ear to ear. "He was so cute, Avery! You should have seen how nervous he was! It was the cutest thing ever! We ordered some crazy Italian dish that I can't even begin to pronounce and when they brought it over, it was like spagetti on steroids."

I laughed at this statment. This was why Blair was my best friend. She had her quirky, hilarious moments like this. "I don't want to know about the dang food! I want to know what happened between you and Matt!"

"Ok, ok. So we sat across from each other at a table, but first he pulled the chair out for me.We sat down and ordered. We started talking about where we see ourselves in ten years. Did you know he wants to become a commercial pilot?"

I shook my head.

"Anyway, I told him of my dream to be a dance teacher,and how I will want a family and he told me that he wants to have at least five children. FIVE AT LEAST. Our food came and he was trying so hard to have good manners, but he just made it worse. Before the concert, he didn't tie his tie well enough, and it fell into his dish! I laughed really hard and he did, too. We got so many glares! We calmed ourselves down and he got really serious, and I was worried. But then he surprised me with a necklace." Blair swished back her hair from her neck and revealed a beautiful necklace with green jewels. I had a hard time believing they were real, though.

"That's beautiful!" I exclaimd.

"That's what I said. I repeated it about four times before I finally put it on. He told me he couldn't imagine it being prettier on any other girl. I blushed so much!

When we were done with dinner we walked outside. He stood in front of me and turned on Pandora on his phone. The music was slow and beautiful. He asked me if I wanted to dance. I was so nervous, I almost couldn't spit out a yes. He put his shaking hands on my hips and I wapped my arms around is neck. And let me tell you, that boy can dance!" She said with big eyes. " We got a little closer and he whispered in my ear if I wanted to go out with him. And I said yes."

I squeeled. "So you guys are official, now?" I asked as I grabbed her arms. She grabbed my arms too. "Yes."

We squeeled some more and jumped up and down like little girls. We got a few annoyed looks by other people that we disturbed, but we didn't mind.

"Oh my gosh." Blair sudddenly gasped.


"You went out with Cory last night! What happened?"

Now it was my turn to blush. "Well, we went out for dinner, but the food got cold, because we talked too long. He refused to let me eat the less then satisfactory food, I don't know why, and took me for icecream instead. We walked to a park and the breeze made me cold. He was all gentleman-like and gave me the coat to his tux. Then he got cold so we just cuddled up under the coat. He asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend... and I agreed!" I practically shouted.

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