Chapter Twenty- Four

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"I need a ride."

Cory flicked out his keys and jingled them. "Where to?"

"Texas Roadhouse." I muttered as I hopped into his truck.

"Oh. Your job?" He asked a he started the engine.

"Yeah." I said shortly.

"I thought Mr. Popular was going to drive you."

"Obviously not." I snapped.

"Whoa. Easy there. Did you have a bad day?"

"Can you please quite talking and put your foot on the fricking pedal?"

Cory blinked a few times in surprise.

"Now!" I demanded. He glanced at me one last time before actually moving the vehicle. We drove in silence for a good while until he cleared his throat.

"You look nice today."

"Why the hell does everybody keep saying that?"

He glared at me and his jaw tightened. "Do you need some Mydol or something?"

"I need you to leave me alone."

"What is your problem?"

"That's none of your business!"

"I'm just trying to help."

"Oh you're helping, all right. Helping the rest of the world piss me off."

"You never ever cuss this much!"

"Big effing deal!"

"Ok. Avery. Take a few deep breaths."

"I'd much rather not."

"Who got the pleasure of ticking you off?" He muttered.

"Triston and I got in a big fight, ok? Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Triston? All of this because of Triston?"


"Oh boo hoo. Triston's a douche."

"What, Cory? No, he's not!"

"Calm down!"

"The whole thing was my fault." I said quietly as I looked out the window at the racing highway below us.

"It's just an argument. Get over it!"

My head snapped up in his direction. "You're an insensitive bastard." I spat.

"Avery! Quite the cussing!"

"Well maybe you could show a little more concern!"

"You got in a fight! This stuff happens! Cry me a river!"

"You know what, Cory?! I will! And then I'll be sure to drown you in it!"

"Do you wanna walk?" He threatened as he stopped the truck alongside the road.

"YES! THAT SOUNDS QUITE LOVELY!" I screamed and I opened the door and climbed out. I marched down the road, not bothering to look back at Cory who was shouting apologies to me and begging me to get back in the truck. I heard him honk the horn and I flipped him the bird without looking back.

"Avery!" I heard the door slam and footsteps pound the ground after me. His hand latched onto my arm and he yanked me towards him. He grabbed both of my wrists and held them in front of his chest. He glared into my eyes. Our faces were almost touching and his grip on me hurt. He stood there, his dark eyes searching mine. I stared defiantly back, not willing to give any signs of whatever he was looking for. My breath was shaky and long and I wanted to slap him and kiss him all at once. Once he realized I was in no mood to be reasoned with, he gave up. He looked away and released my arms. He shook his head and turned towards the truck and walked away. I watched him get into the driver's seat. He started the engine. The truck drove slowly towards me. And drove right past. I was stranded in the ditch.

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